Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fairytale Fortnight - Poison!

A Backwards Story has a tribute to Bridget Zinn, who did not live to see her book published. Click on the cover to add it onto your Goodreads lists... check out Bonnie's post... choose your favorite poison pix below...

I am so glad that the poison-mixing has not been left in the hands of the bad guys all the time. Lol. I love the idea of powerful cooking... mixing herbs that pack a punch!!  Yay for Yelena, Isme, & Kyra! (Yay for all things Steampunk!! & old books!!!) Here's some stuff they might know a little bit about!!

















Follow these pictures to their source on my Pinterest.

Does one of these inspire you to try mixing something?! Hm?  When I think of me and herbs and the kitchen... I see this:

I do get a little crazy with the power, what can I say?!