Sunday, July 17, 2011

Really in Fiction

Ok... there's no debate that fiction is infused with reality, but it is funny when you find yourself in fiction almost like passing by a mirror for just that moment. Not just one aspect, but an entire character.  "Funny" as in "oh, weird."

It's interesting where authors write themselves in. I didn't know until yesterday's post that Robin McKinley felt Rowan was autobiographical (from Days in the Life* with footnotes):

 ROWAN, as I’m fond of saying, is the only true piece of autobiography I’ve ever written†††.  Except for the fact that it all happened when I was in my thirties and not when I was a little girl, it’s exactly how I bought my first whippet, Rowan.

††† . . . as fiction.  The blog doesn’t count here. 

I know I found myself in one of her short stories... as Coral. She isn't a character I thought was amazing, but rather a shockingly close account of how I picture myself. Eep.

Just a weird thought.  What other author, I wonder, has written themselves in somewhere?  Or what reader has happened upon themselves unawares?