The point is... when you have a personal connection to a business, you can recommend it confidently. And when I know someone personally who recommends me to a business they know personally... well... it's like I know 'em personally myself!!
There are a few contacts that I know like that... to share with my readers.

This is hilarous...
I drove him to the PIR (Portland International Raceway) yesterday, so I have first-hand knowledge.
For starters, the speed limit is 5 miles an hour, which feels fast with guys who step (or bike or scooter or golf cart) in front of my Suburban when obviously I'm sportin' a big block Chevy motor. Sure, I don't have fancy exhaust to rumble, but I do have ghost flames (wait, maybe that's the problem.)
Anyway... so I'm motatin' at 5 miles an hour dodging people - men. We're not talkin' 25 or 100... no, I'm talking thousands upon thousands meandering around a huge race track completely zoned out as they check out WAY COOL car parts that line the track both sides.
Car parts. *___*
I don't tell them that it looks like piles of scrap metal to me. Nope. I'm vastly outnumbered. The ghost flames along with our automotive shop sticker prove that I'm worthy to meander through their midst, but it's not wise to pick fights.

If you want to take a missions trip to Mexico - for a life-changing experience with a little sight-seeing to the pyramids, I can get you hooked up for that, too. I already introduced my sister, who's a working-resident near Teohtichuacan (or some such). But my dad also has a ministry and there's tons of experience with hookin' up youth groups or enthusiastic adults. Anyone can go build a building in Tijuana, right? Try something different and put on a kids' camp outside of Mexico City DF, or something. You know?

So, I already talked about clicking on Google Ads or purchasing books via each other's links to support other book bloggers, right? Ever since I blogged about it, I've remembered to click much more often. Every Google Ad I see is a happy click for me. The only Google Ad that's hand-chosen by me is the Teavana one. The other Google Ads rotate through some mysterious plan of their own.

(You're SOOO happy you know me, right? Me, too!!!)

I want these book plates. They'd be fun to give away with books, don't you think?
The ads on the upper left & the lower banners are totally awesome links for handy places to buy books and tea. (Tea being closely related to books in my mind). I personally get tea from Adagio - I had to track down their affiliate program. :-D The Christian Bookstore link is affiliated through me, too, even though I just put up "Daily Devotions". And, of course, Amazon & Barnes & Noble links are essential.
What Connections do you have?!
'Cause I'd definitely go through someone you know before googling randomly!!