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This is a very fun, very not-so-superstitious wee little Giveaway hop promising to be FUN & WINNABLE and all things delightful.
I am going to offer a book with a haunting cover for this giveaway. There's an entire list on Goodreads HERE and HERE - and I'm willing to negotiate. A "how to" book will not qualify unless it's how to stitch up a wound or something. Maybe "how to" make a sword from a hand-stoked kiln. Maybe.

Here's some more ideas right off my own TBR List (click the cover to go to Goodreads & check out the book!):

I suppose I would bend a little to give away a haunting book. The Monstrumologist definitely counts. Or The 19th Wife - did anyone seen Book Journey's review Thursday?! (it may not look scary, but it's got multiple wives and murder!!)
So... pick a book. Once you got the one you want in mind... and you can receive it either in the mail from The Book Depository or via e-copy... make sure yer at least 13... and fill out the Rafflecopter!!
All my giveaway rules are listed under About Me. They clarify how no one is at fault in case of mishap related to my desire to give away a free book, but feel free to read it for yourself to make sure.
I have to ask a question.
This isn't entirely spooky, but...
What's the best book you've read recently?
(like in the last 2-4 weeks)
I shouldn't add to my TBR pile, but I'm totally curious.
I just finished Grave Mercy and I couldn't believe how much I liked it. I gave it 5 Stars and I NEVER do that!!!
And then I read Of Poseidon and emailed the author 'cause she didn't finish the book (apparently) and she wrote me back about snorting slushies & hot dogs. (Wha?! - that's what I said!) I'll post her reply with my review. SOON!
a Rafflecopter giveaway