Monday, May 21, 2012

Takin' my Time on a Fine Monday!

Memorable Monday is hosted by Escape in a Book.

From Becoming a Butterfly pg 110 on my Nook. I posted a review & author interview (and giveaway!) this morning. I like this quote for showing the tension... how Lacey gets herself in trouble and how Mia Castile writes so playfully. I had to laugh at "China"!!
butterfly"I cringed for three obvious reasons. 1. Henry must have heard Chase and knew someone was in my back yard. I imagined him and Byron suddenly communicating using military hand gestures and a form of sign language. 2. Chase was standing over my backside with me in this  swimsuit. 3. It was only a matter of minutes before Henry realized I'd been here the whole time. I wanted to disappear under my lounger, under the deck, under the ground, and come up in China."

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Book Journey.

Somebody is going to want to strangle me. So... before you do, please hear me out!!  And then maybe I'll help you!!  Lol.

I started reading Insurgent last weekend, right? Remember? Mother's Day gift?!  Yea. Awesome.

Well, then I posted about writing my book and some (possibly insane) volunteers stepped forward to read it. And, OF COURSE, it needs a lot of work. But it's also worth working on. So... Um... my brain was whisked away until I realized I was reviewing Becoming a Butterfly by this morning. (Please see my love of schedules and reviewing in a timely matter in previous posts.)  Ok... so I'm trying to find a quiet moment to finish Insurgent, because I keep crying. (What? I might be extra emotional this week. What of it?!)

teaOnly every time I get a quiet moment, I want to WRITE. And then I got sucked into Becoming a Butterfly... which, um, don't tell anyone, but I'm still finishing. I almost snapped at the gas station attendant this morning when he interrupted me to give me my receipt. It was NOT a good stopping place!!  (Please refer to potentially emotional week!) (No, we can't pump our own gas in Oregon, but it makes for a great reading moment. Sometimes I get in the long line to have a longer moment.)

So... I'm in the middle of both of them as well as Shadow on the Wall, which I'm scheduled to review Wednesday, I think. (Kali!)  Failstate is after that, 'cause it's due Monday.

BEA Authors Studio PodcastWho is scheduling for me?! How am I supposed to write while reading and reviewing all these books?!  What about getting ready for Armchair BEA?! And TWO birthday parties PLUS four kids getting out of school for the summer AND a trip to Yellowstone?! My scheduler ought to check in with me.

Insurgent (Divergent, #2)Ok. I can totally hear a reader wondering WHY I need strangling? Lemme spell it out for you. I took a book that should be read in one sitting even if it's over 500 pages and turned it into more than a week. It makes me feel ill just to think about it.  Except... there is the wee little tiny part of me that just doesn't want it to end. Like, maybe if I "can't" find the time, I can drag it out just a little longer. It's just, I really like Tris... and the writing is so deliciously incredible!  Oh, why does it have to end?!

Musing Mondays is hosted by Should Be Reading.
Uh... happy Victoria Day anyone!  (?)

This week’s musing asks…
What do you do with the book before you start reading it?

Before reading, I usually do a lot of background checking on the book & the author. I read the premise and skim reviews on Goodreads. I find the author's sites and see what they like, what else they've written. You know, nose around.

Rest by Deborah DeWit.I do this especially for review books, 'cause I hate saying something really dumb like, "woops! I guess I don't like your book at all!!"  Yea. I try to catch that reaction before I have it and avoid it altogether.

When I receive a gift or browse the library, I check out the cover, the review quotes, a little bit of the premise and the author blip.

When I review or highlight a book, I stalk the author everywhere, 'cause by then, I feel like I know them.