*mumbling incoherantly* I'm not responsible for accidents around here.
But, hey! Now I can give YOU all The Cyber Look, for Daughter of Smoke & Bone is so, SO great. Then again, I had a shock attack whenever I finished Days of Blood & Starlight, so putting it a little down the list may be the best choice right now, I think.
Why, Laura, New Books are the best! Even if afterwards we gather to talk about TBRs & such... What? Is the truth.
Anyway, talking about the Covenant Series, I WISH I was reading Apollyon right NOW, Jenny, but ooh, no, release dates & time & waiting. Which brings me again to the Opal issue, I'm almost afraid to start it, & it IS in my Nook. Waiting. Alluring me!!
So I'm reading Sophie's World instead (I know, I sounded like a boring grandma right there). It was a wishlist book once, then it became a TBR book for months, THEN I started reading it, but since it is nothing as I expected it to be, you can say is a total New book. *frustrated sip*
Also, I'm trying NOT to read The Well of Ascension (by Brandon Sanderson ), so I think that counts... right?
Plans, plans... planing is something that I'm usually good at, why that doesn't work with reading?? I swear I can't stick to a schedule. I was wondering about TBR Rules, or something, but it occurs to me rules are made to be broken!
Oh, well, I don't worry about books from the Library or Netgalley. I don't have a library anywhere near (I don't even know IF there are libraries on Tijuana!) & Netgalley apparently hates me, so nope. The TBR comes from too much time in the Internet, university issues & new releases pushes.
Oh, amaretto & cherries ice cream! Love it.Yum! Thx!!
Alrighty... I'll pull Daughter of Smoke & Bone off the shelf... maybe I can get to it sooner rather than later...
Do you have a cool bookmark? Hm? *waggles eyebrows* Show off the bookmarks you're using!!! I don't have many bookmarks I actually want to use. Is that weird? They are treasures and might get roughed up when I set them aside to read delicious books. I mean, what if I sat on one of 'em?! *shakes head* No way... but this ribbon is nice. See how thin it is? And pretty? I like it. I got it from Michelle Diener. I'm nervous about stuffing it in my purse. What if the beads fell off? I'm sure it'll end up in my treasure box along with the others... but for now I'm enjoying it.
You all do bring your books with you everywhere, right? *jumps up to find more coffee*
I just finished reading A Million Suns, which was really good by the way! I'm also reading something off my TBR pile, Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry. I'm about halfway through and LOVING IT!! I can see what all the hype was about on this book! Next I'll be reading a new release--Shades of Earth. I really want to finish that series! Then I MUST tackle my pile of library books!
I have a ton of different bookmarks, but I have a few favorites! I'll send along a pic of them! And I just got a really cool homemade one today in the mail from a blogger friend, Beth@Living the Goddess Life! I'll include a pic of that one, too!
(Details on the pic--the Big Ben one is my favorite. My mom got if for me the last time she was in London. The little corner bookmarks I bought at a craft fair, and I love them. They are so handy! The beautiful purple bookmark is the new one I received today!)
Alrighty, its freezing cold here in Iowa tonight, so I'm off to make a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows! Laters!
Of course I bring books with me EVERYWHERE. Even when I travel (for what I adore my Nook) What kind of person would I be if I didn't? Some kind of freak, I assure you.
Oooh, bookmarks. I use about anything for bookmark, though it depends on my mood & the kind of book & its mood, I think. So, I have some fancy book marks, like that metallic moon shaped one or the butterfly. Though, also I left a friend's deck of playing cards joker-less, since I loved it; is a peacock! I practically begged for it, but was worthy :D I also use things I cut off from places, like those eyes, which I got from a beauty salon flier; or from doodles in post-its, like that sunny one. Or, some homemade bookmarks like the one I'm using in Beautiful Redemption =3
The bookmarks I don't use are the ones from book tours, you know, 'swag'. Nope, those to my book-like box, which I keep in my bookshelf.
Ooooh, but when people THINK is funny to take the bookmark out the page? I get murderous!!
I love seeing everyone's bookmarks... in fact... I think for the Follower-Love Giveaway comin' up, I'll make some. Not so fine as Beth @ Living the Goddess Life, maybe, but homemade by someone you know is the BEST!
Bookmark Share!!!
Which one are you using RIGHT THIS MINUTE?!