
I LOVE SUNDAY!!! She's just the right amount of discontent and passionate. I think I love Alethea Kontis more, though... how many times am I going to laugh over the twisted fairytale references stuffed in every corner!!! Love!!!
The more I read, the harder it is to go fast, too... the writing is so deliciously beautiful and multi-layered. Fav quotes so far:
Pg 39 - "Rivulets of blood wept from scratches in his skin and cracks in his desiccated lips."
Pg 58 - "No pale glow of moonlight fell from the heavens to light false paths in the darkness."
Pg 87 - "He looked at his hands still clasped around his knees, his fingers gray with ash, the soot caked in black lines along his knuckles, under his nails... He could not change the man he had been, but these hands would make him the man he could be."
Pg 92 - "Sunday might have laughed if she hadn't felt so old and tired, as if every muscle in her body realized that one small laugh from one small girl would never change the course of the universe and was therefore not worth the effort."
I'm also reading WARP, which is (also) impossible to put down. I'm on pg 128 and I HATE, HATE, HATE Albert Gerrick. Just heard how he took out Jack the Ripper, sharing his victory coated in blood. WHILE... he's sneaking down a chimney to knock off a group of unsuspecting FBI agents. Yikes!
I started this originally to preview for my 9 yr old... and I'm not going to let him listen to the audio version. Lol. I'm going to say this is a 13+ or older book due to amount of blood. My 9 yr old would probably love it, but that bothers me. I haven't read the Artemis Fowl series, but now... if the writing is anything like WARP, I must!

I had switched which audio version I was listening to and missed a few key phrases and got lost. Getting lost in Tolkien's world is downright dangerous!!! I'm starting the book again in the same audio I listened to for The Fellowship of the Ring. Plus I picked up the book to follow along. I think I got lost when I read it the first time back in high school... and frankly, I need answers to questions, now... like how this ring effects everyone and where Gandolf disappeared to and how did he come back? and how... is the enemy so aware of where everyone is?! *shudder*
Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. The rule is to share photos you, or someone you know, took. The following is from my or my husband's camera the first weekend in Sept this year...
Snapshot - Classic Pic o' the Day
Here's a picture of a classic vehicle... so you can have a great day! :-D
Here's a Studebaker from the 50's turned "Gasser"... it's modified (obviously) with the blower out the hood and exhaust comin' out the sides. I especially love this paint color... such a deep maroon that gets darker in the shadows. Is the top chopped a bit? or do these come so squatty-mean-lookin'?
Yes! Those are "suicide doors"!! And yes... the wheelie bars and parachute mean "fast" (and a bit of a gaudy statement about it since this is a "street" vehicle. It wouldn't be allowed on the street if it required those additions.)
The name, Suicide Doors, comes from the amount of injuries... getting caught under a moving door facing that direction sorta scoops you... where? Underneath. The name does NOT come from the doors being whipped open by the speed of forward movement as some say. When were suicide doors most used? Not at the same time as speed!! Nowadays... they are a cool modification that requires a lot of alignment work and different hinges, etc.
Note the door handles are "shaved". :-D There are none. Also a lot of work. The glass-like reflection across the body even where things like door handles used to be sings of sweet bodywork!
The above shots were taken on the Long Beach, WA street where we cruise all weekend long (and lots of cops hang out making sure we all remember our manners). Here's the actual show with a rare spotlight of sunshine!!
And there you have it! Your Classic Pic o' the Day!!
Next, check out the Chevy C-10 that won the Dyno contest!