Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Grand Finale: A Perfect Secret by Donna Hatch #TourAtAGlance #PrismBookTours

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A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

It's the THE REGENCY TOUR Grand Finale for
A Perfect Secret
by Donna Hatch

Did you miss any of these fabulous tour stops? Here are snippets from each of them:

What do you hope readers take with them when they read your book?
I hope they will believe that love is real and it can help us find the courage to do what we believe is right. I also hope they will question what they think they know about people and let go of prejudice, and even help them forgive those who have hurt them.

Cherry Mischievous - Excerpt
Six-year-old Christian Amesbury stood in the churchyard, trying not to crush the flowers he’d brought to put in front of the family crypt where they’d laid his brother to rest, the brother he loved, the brother he killed. Alone in every way, he stood, shaking, as his last taunting words to Jason echoed in his head. Christian had wanted to prove he was brave and strong. Instead, his brother, best friend, and advocate, was dead.

Kelly P's Blog - Historical Romance, the Perfect Escape
In a recent survey, 80% of people who called themselves avid readers listed historical novels as one of their top three favorite types of books to read. I wasn’t really surprised, since historical fiction, especially historical romance fiction, is my favorite genre. But it got me thinking; why the broad appeal?

I Am A Reader - Jane Austen's Influence
Who is the greatest fiction author of all time? That question would no doubt be greeted by a host of answers and responses, and would largely depend on the type of fiction each person enjoys reading. For many of us who enjoy historical romance novels, our resounding answer is: Jane Austen.
Jane Austen

"Historical romances are pretty much my favorite (type of romances) especially the ones that get it all right- from the rather formal language, to the courting and the calling upon and the mannerisms. You get the picture, right? Well, A Perfect Secret lived up to all of it!"

Bookworm Lisa - British Tea
I am a total history geek. I freely admit this. My geekiness started way back when I was a child pouring over the pages of the Little House series, both the books and the TV series, among other historical stories. Later, it grew out of necessity when I decided I wanted my stories to take place during Regency England. Obviously, this means copious amounts of research. But research has grown into an extreme fascination all its own.
"The writing in this book is wonderful. Donna has done a wonderful job at pulling me in the story. Her characters are believable and I actually cared about what happened to them."

"I really, really enjoyed this book. It was an awesome escape from reality and I literally devoured this book in a day. I love when that happens."

Mel's Shelves - Review
"This is a clean read, but be prepared for serious issues rather than fluff. I loved it, though, and had a hard time putting it down. This is the third book in this series but I thought it worked well as a stand alone. You can tell there's history between the characters but it doesn't interfere with the storyline of this book. This is a series I plan to read from the beginning so I can get more of a feel for all the Amesbury siblings, their relationships with each other and how they each find their happy ending!"

Angels With Attitude Book Reviews - Regency Ladies Clothing
The Regency era brought dramatic changes in women's fashion. Those huge hoop skirts and pinched waistlines popular in the Elizabethan Era disappeared in favor of the Roman style gown with high waistlines and lighter fabrics.

The Written Adventure - Interview
6) What made you decide to write in the Regency England?
Honestly, when I write my first rough draft of a historical romance, I wasn’t sure what time period it should take place in. So I did some research into the manners and mores, the clothing and fashions, what was going on politically. I eventually narrowed it down to either the Regency or Victorian Era. But in the end, I chose Regency for two reasons. First, it was a good niche market. A lot of people know what Regency means, especially if I add, the time of Jane Austen. It’s sort of an instant “in.” Secondly, and probably most importantly, I love the people who lived in that time. The people who lived then were so driven by duty and honor. In Regency England, duty and honor were everything. If a man said he’d do something, especially if he gave his word, he meant it, and others could count him to follow through, even at great personal cost.

     “Let him stay,” Jason urged again. “He’s not bothering anyone.”
Grant let out a snort. “You’re too soft on him.”
     Cole, highest in the tree and holding a paper he’d rolled up into the shape of a spyglass, let out a long-suffering sigh. “You can be the cabin boy. Ahoy there!”
     A ship, today.
     From his perch on one of the lower tree limbs, Jason leaned down and held out a hand. “Come on up, Chris. I’ll help you.”
     Christian shook his head. “I can do it by myself.”
Can we expect to hear more from these characters in the near future?
There are four brothers in the Amesbury family, and three of them have stories already written so I have one more to go. I’ve actually started the fourth brother’s story and he’s really a tough nut. I still don’t know most of his secrets. He may or may not tell me very many of them by the end of the story. There are also two sisters in the family whose stories I have loosely planned.

Deal Sharing Aunt - Excerpt
     He’d done this. He’d torn apart the family. It was his fault. Mama cried constantly and some days didn’t get out of bed. Father never smiled. Two months later, Cole and Jared left for the sea. Jason was gone forever. Grant never spoke to him, only shot him murderous glares that left Christian constantly looking over his shoulder, half expecting to see a knife plunging toward his back.
     Christian squared his shoulders and strode with dignity he didn’t feel past gravestones and monuments. As he passed Grant at the gate, his brother spoke his first words to Christian in three months.

     “I wish you were the one who had died.”

     "This book adds the twist of a jilted lover, turned rescuer, turned true love...OH. SO. GOOD!
     And what one woman will do to protect her family's name and reputation...becomes her own "perfect secret."
     Don't miss out on this one!"

Colorimetry - Marriage in Regency England
     Ah, the ringing of wedding bells! A lovely, romantic sound. It always conjures in my mind true love and happily ever after.
     The hope of a bright future awaiting the couple probably isn't much different now than it was centuries past. But the way people married has evolved over the years.
     In Regency England, a couple could get married one of three ways: they could marry in a church after the reading of the banns, they could obtain a common license, or they could marry by special license. They could also elope and go to Scotland, but that’s a topic for different post.

The Bookish Fairy - Excerpt
     From the moment she first saw Christian Amesbury, Genevieve knew she’d never love another man. It wasn’t merely the shy, sweet smile he gave when their eyes met across the room, or the intensity of his gaze as they were introduced, or even his stunning good looks akin to the mythical Adonis. No, there was something supremely familiar about him, and when he finally asked her to dance and she placed her hand in his, an almost audible click sounded from inside Genevieve, as if fate had placed a key piece into the puzzle of her life.
     By the end of the evening, she’d vowed she’d marry him and no other.

Wishful Endings - Review
"If you enjoy reading this genre, then I would recommend A Perfect Secret. It was sweet, engaging, intense, and included everything you would expect from a Regency romance."

"I love the stories about these brothers!! I must admit, I was curious about the brother they always called "Perfectly Perfect Christian." I imagined him to be almost a saint and maybe destined to become a priest. However, I was surprised to learn that there are reasons for him to be the way he is and he's not as perfect as everyone thinks. He's still a great guy, but he's human and humans make mistakes and are often hard on themselves."

Mommynificent - Review
"The emotions the characters go through in the book are heart-wrenching and are extremely well-written. It was easy to immerse myself in the lives of the characters and really feel what they were feeling."

Pieces of Whimsy - REGENCY QUIZ
If you love to read Regency romance novels, you probably have picked up a few facts and some terminology along the way. But how much do you really know about the Regency Era? Take this quiz to find out. Email the answers to me and I'll enter you in a contest to win a free digital story you can read on your smart phone or ebook reader. Email your answers to

"Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and the characters had a large part in that. I'd recommend this book to anyone who likes clean regency romance or historical romance."

     "A Perfect Secret was romantic, scary, and an all around good book.
     I love a good historical romance especially when I know its going to be a good one. I’ve read Donna Hatch before and she doesn’t disappoint. I know that I’ll be attached to the characters, their will be tension between two lovers that will be steamy yet sweet, and a story that will stay with you forever."

     “Of course it’s her concern.” Wickburgh began swinging his walking stick, narrowly missing a flower-filled vase atop a Chippendale side table. “You see my dear, your father was about to find the means by which to settle a debt with me.”
     Genevieve narrowed her gaze. “I doubt very much my father owes you a gambling debt since he seldom gambles.”
     “Oh, but he did, a wager of the worst kind—with fate.”

Southern Chelle - Review
"This was an excellent example of regency books without the risqué that is included in a lot of them. It was a quicker read a couple of days, reading an hour or so a day. The story will capture your heart and you will fall in love with Christian and Genevieve and the Amesbury family just like I did."

"From the moment I began reading this book, I was convinced that this was “my kind of book.” And indeed it is. There is no profanity nor bedrooms scenes–I am so grateful for that! It is set in the 1800′s in England, and it is a romance that includes all the elements that most readers would require in a historical romance in this vein."

A Perfect Secret  (Rogue Hearts, #3)
A Perfect Secret
(Rogue Hearts #3)
by Donna Hatch

Adult Historical Romance
Paperback, 348 Pages
December 14 2013              

Desperate to protect her father from trial and death, Genevieve breaks off her engagement with Christian Amesbury and marries a blackmailer. After a year of marriage, she flees her husband's violent domination only to have fate bring her back to Christian. Just when she thinks she's started a new life of safety and solitude, her husband tracks her down, stalks her, and threatens everyone she loves.

Still brokenhearted over Genevieve's betrayal a year ago, Christian can't believe she's come back into his life--and worse, that she's done it on the anniversary of his brother's death, a death that haunts him. Though tempted to throw her back into the river where he found her, he can't leave her at the mercy of the terrifying man she married.

When her husband torments Genevieve and puts his family in danger, Christian will do anything to protect those he loves...anything except give Genevieve another chance to break his heart.

My passion for writing began at the tender age of 8 and I’ve been hooked ever since. Of course, I also wanted to be an actress and a ballerina, but one out of three isn’t bad, right?

In between caring for six children, (7 counting my husband), my day job, my free lance editing and copy writing, and my many volunteer positions, I manage to carve out time to indulge in my writing obsession. After all, it IS an obsession. My family is more patient and supportive than I deserve.

Tour-Wide Giveaway

- Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and an ebook (INT) or print copy (US Only) of A Perfect Secret OR The Stranger She Married (winner's choice)
- 5 ebooks of A Perfect Secret
- Open Internationally
- Ends July 20th

Prism Book Tours