Monday, September 8, 2014

Missing In Action: Blogger Burgandy Ice Extraordinaire

Well... "Extraordinaire" might be a big of an exaggeration.


I haven't been posting much this summer, however, so "Missing" is pretty accurate.

I'm just working, is all. In a cubicle, no less.  I have some windows, which helps with the breathing part of living, and I've decorated with plenty of art and pictures and maps. (Gotta love maps!)  I'm on the 8th story of an old, old building in downtown Portland, which... is pretty flippin' awesome. I love the old windows and how they open to a straight drop down to Pioneer Courthouse Square.  Well... my window opens to a fire escape, which is also flippin' awesome, but if I zip through this hamster maze of cubicles to the Other Side of things, I can see the Square out the window.

I do Zip.

I also do creativity, as you might imagine.  I get to schedule my day around projects I choose to work on (or so I tell myself.) I add my flair everywhere, naturally.  Like a company newsletter with a humorous column.  :-D  Why not?!

I'm always seeking additional creative outlet, though... it's never enough. Not even if I get to read on a train - and reading on a train is also flippin' awesome. I don't get enough... time to write... express stuff.  I've started posting on Instagram.  Yep. Not too personal, either. Plus there's Twitter. Lol. I am learning how to keep up on Twitter better. It has everything to do with getting one of those new devices that pose as phones. My new large device is too big to fit in a pocket and is comical to use as a cell phone, but it's got a great screen for e-books and carries tons of music plus it keeps me connected to people, which is tricky. Being a mom of four who attends football practice while working full time and managing everything else still, you'd think I'd drop the ball somewhere, hey?  Well... MIA on the blog, pretty much, unless I can figure out how to post my pic here, too...

You can find me at one of these places if you're not already following me there:

Instagram:   burgandy_ice
Twitter:  @BurgandyIce