On Tour with Prism Book Tours
By Ammar Habib
July 12th 2019
From Bestselling & Award-Winning author Ammar Habib comes this brutal tale of redemption!
Men Die. Legends Don't.
Decades ago, Grayson Wolf locked away the demons inside him. Once a legendary assassin named after Mors, the Roman embodiment of death, Grayson is now a shadow of the man he was before. He suffers every waking hour, haunted by his past as he begs for death to end his torment.
However, Grayson is pulled back into the shadowy world of espionage when an old comrade shows up at his front door with a young girl he is trying to rescue from sinister men. Suddenly hunted by an army of deadly mercenaries, Grayson is left with no choice but to protect the girl. But deep inside, something happens. He finds a light in the darkness, a light he thought was dead. The demons Grayson chained up--the legendary Mors--will be unleashed. And anyone standing in his way will have hell to pay.
Adult Thriller
ebook, 226 PagesJuly 12th 2019
From Bestselling & Award-Winning author Ammar Habib comes this brutal tale of redemption!
Men Die. Legends Don't.
Decades ago, Grayson Wolf locked away the demons inside him. Once a legendary assassin named after Mors, the Roman embodiment of death, Grayson is now a shadow of the man he was before. He suffers every waking hour, haunted by his past as he begs for death to end his torment.
However, Grayson is pulled back into the shadowy world of espionage when an old comrade shows up at his front door with a young girl he is trying to rescue from sinister men. Suddenly hunted by an army of deadly mercenaries, Grayson is left with no choice but to protect the girl. But deep inside, something happens. He finds a light in the darkness, a light he thought was dead. The demons Grayson chained up--the legendary Mors--will be unleashed. And anyone standing in his way will have hell to pay.
And now some insight from the author himself...
Themes of The Legendary Wolf
The Legendary Wolf is a tale of one man’s redemption. It follows the story of Grayson Wolf, a man who was once the greatest assassin the world ever knew. However, after going AWOL on his government decades ago, he disappeared and has been living under the radar for years. He is an old man when the novel begins, one who has grown bitter toward the world and is filled with regret. Grayson simply exists day-to-day as he waits for the Grim Reaper to come and take his soul. But that all changes when he suddenly finds himself thrust into a situation where he is forced to protect a young girl from the dark forces pursuing her.
When writing this novel, there were several themes I used as a basis for the story. One of the biggest themes revolves around the basic internal struggle we all face. We all have two sides to ourselves, two wolves if you will. One encompasses everything good about humanity, while the other symbolizes everything dark about humankind. The one we follow is the one we feed the most. Grayson Wolf followed the “dark wolf” for almost all his life. It is what turned him into an assassin and killer. However, now he has the chance to break away from the self-made prison he created. He finally has a chance to follow the light.
Another major theme is what happens to us as we grow older. Grayson Wolf’s character is grounded in the reality of what occurs to many people when they enter their twilight years. They lose their loved ones and friends as they grow older and become isolated. It can often turn people bitter toward the world. This is exactly where Grayson is at in the beginning of the novel. He has lost his way and has no purpose. This is why he begs for God to send him to his death every night. Finding his purpose is a theme that is at the crux of this story.
A third theme in The Legendary Wolf is the ramifications for a life of violence. In a world where violence is glamorized and sensationalized by movies and television shows, this novel describes the true consequences of what happens when the violence ends. It becomes a chain that stays with people for a lifetime, like a blemish that won’t go away. And this blemish only grows as time passes.
There are other themes, but these three form the basic pillars for the novel. Grayson’s character arc is held up by them, and they remain the story’s guiding principles. Though the novel is a bit fantastical, following these pillars keeps it grounded in reality and allows the reader to bond with Grayson as a character and put themselves in his shoes in a way that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to do.
And in this way, the reader is able to journey along with Grayson as he finds his purpose and overcomes the demons from his past. They can witness Grayson shed his guilt, rise back up, and become the Legendary Wolf one last time.
About the Author

Ammar Habib is a bestselling and award-winning author who was born in Lake Jackson, Texas in 1993. Ammar enjoys crafting stories that are not only entertaining but will also stay with the reader for a long time. Ammar presently resides in his hometown with his family, all of whom are his biggest fans. He draws his inspiration from his family, imagination, and the world around him.
Tour Schedule

One winner will receive a signed copy of Habib's national award-winning novel, Memories of My Future (US only). Memories of My Future is an historical/inspirational novel that was published in 2016. It received several accolades after its release, including the Independent Press Award in May 2017.
Ends September 4, 2019