By Tia Perkin
Children's Picture Book
Paperback & ebook, 38 Pages
"Hall-O-Ween!" is a spooky little rhyming book about all the sweet bites and fun frights on Halloween day and night.
Guest Post: 10 Must-Do Halloween Traditions
I see myself as somewhat of a Halloween connoisseur. Over the years, I have collected Halloween traditions like my kids collect trick-or-treat candy. Here are my top ten Halloween musts:
1. Going to Corn Mazes and Fall Festivals
I live in Arizona so it's a bit of a scorcher even in October, but I still love getting lost in a good corn maze and going on a fall festival hayride.
2. Decorating the house.
At this very moment, there is a 7-foot tall werewolf in my front room just waiting for
the earliest acceptable day to haunt my front yard.
3. Baking (and eating) Halloween Funfetti Cupcakes
I don't know what they do to make this stuff so delicious, but I have been known to gobble one of these little beauties in my mouth for breakfast. If you do nothing else on this list, do this.
4. Watching old Halloween TV Specials
There are a lot of great Halloween specials out there, but “Garfield's Halloween Adventure” from 1985 is my absolute favorite. For any '80s babies out there, this is a must.
5. Carving Pumpkins, then roasting the seeds
The largest pumpkin I ever carved stood over 24” tall and was an absolute behemoth. We had seeds for days.
6. Making costumes
I'm not always faithful about this tradition, but I love it when I can make something creative rather than buy a costume in a store. I've been anything from an iPod Mini to Amy from the Big Bang Theory.
7. Doing Halloween crafts with the kids
When my kids started creating and hanging their own Halloween decorations around the house, I knew I had done something right.
8. Eating Candy Corn
A little goes a long way with candy corn, but I still have to have at least a handful every Halloween. I eat mine color at a time. How about you?
9. Going to a Haunted House
I have been fortunate enough to have a “Haunted” House in my very own neighborhood for the past five or six years. Walking down the street to see all of the lights and spooky decorations has became a nightly ritual in our household.
10. Reading ALL THE BOOKS.
Nothing is better on a cool(er) fall night than curling up on the couch in pajamas and reading all of our favorite Halloween picture books. Here are a list of our family favorites!
What about you? What are your families favorite Halloween traditions?
About the Author

Tia Perkin is a three-time Emmy-Nominated Graphic Artist turned stay-at-home mom and freelancer. Her first children's book, "Two!", was written for her now seven-year-old twin sons - partially as a gift and partially as a coping mechanism for a double-helping of toddler hijinx! She is continuing on the series and has most recently released "Hall-O-Ween!".
Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a Halloween Trick-Or-Treat Tote Bag filled with the following "Hall-O-Ween!" goodies (US only):
- "Hall-O-Ween!" Button
- "Hall-O-Ween!" Color & Activity Book
- Set of 10 Crayola Markers
- "Hall-O-Ween!" Sticker
- "Hall-O-Ween!" Bookmark
- "Hall-O-Ween!" Postcard
- "Hall-O-Ween!" Kid's T-Shirt (Size Small)
- Green and Black Striped Kid's Halloween Socks
Ends October 2, 2019
Ends October 2, 2019