
My real name is Laura Armstrong. "Burgandy Ice" comes from the name of a rose my husband gave me for Valentine's one year that is somehow surviving despite me. (The mis-spell comes from my emotional reaction to excessive 'u's.)

My husband, Jeremy, is a classic car enthusiast. Check out his stuff  HERE. We have four crazy, awesome kids.

I am writing a book! A paranormal fantasy, of course - a faerytale retelling. In October 2012 I won 2nd place in a short story contest. *Eeep!* Read Shadow Horses.

Toward the end of 2013 I started working full time. Currently I am not accepting review requests. This does not mean that I don't want to help you promote your book, however... please read on!

Please consider the following options:

1) Create a guest post for Colorimetry (FREE) or
2) Access promotional options at Prism Book Tours: http://prismbooktours.blogspot.com/p/in.html

My contact is burgandyice(at)live(dot)com.

I enjoy promoting books including Indie & Small Press Authors.  I have one of those awesome phones that links to Kindle or Nook account. :-)

Prism Book Tours

Prism Book Tours was started in November of 2012 to promote great books more effectively. As founder, I am happy to get you "in", although Tressa at Tressa's Wishful Endings currently handles the majority of each virtual book promotion.

My favorite genres to read and promote:  
* YA & Adult fantasy
      - fairy tale retellings
      - classic retellings
      - dystopians
      - paranormal 
I regularly read & promote:  
* Sci-Fi
* Romance
* Historical
* MG or KidLit
* Christian 
Sometimes I read & promote:  
 * Contemporary
 * Theological
 * Vehicle-related tech
 * Non-Fiction 
I do not read or promote:  
 * Erotica
 * Horror
 * Graphic violence
ARC Policy: I treat ARCs like the precious treasures they are. Digital copies stay with me or are deleted. Print copies remain in my library or are traded or given away at no profit. All my giveaways are purchased by me or offered by the author, publisher or publicist.


I love giving and winning books! Most of my giveaways are International. I'll specify if they are not. To enter a giveaway, you must be at least 13 yrs old for Young Adult titles and 18 years for Adult titles. Plus comply with the funky requests via Rafflecopter, comments, Word docs or whatever requested. No one takes any responsibility for the content or the safe arrival of the giveaways including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository, Colorimetry, Burgandy Ice, myself or any authors, publishers, promoters, etc, etc.

All giveaways on Colorimetry are either purchased by me or given by the author, publisher, publicist, etc. 


If you are interested in sidebar space, see BlogAds or contact me. Current rate: $10/wk for book cover size with link.

Find & Follow:

I can be found infiltrating the bloggiverse as Burgandy Ice:


Let me know that you're following me & I'll be happy to follow you back!!

Following the FTC regulations that govern reviewers I must state that people give me free books and products in exchange for my review and/or highlight of those products. I do not receive monetary compensation for my reviews, they are my honest, personal opinion, negative or positive. In no way are my reviews swayed by compensation.

I do receive monetary compensation for special promotions including advertising space on Colorimetry and Prism Book Tours promotions.