Feature & Follow My Book Blog Friday is hosted by
Parajunkie &
Alison Can Read...
Meet other book bloggers - it's fun!! Hop over to one of their sites to join the linky-thingame and leave me a comment so I make sure to follow you back!!
Featured this week...
Books Are Vital &
Once Upon A Time.
Fun Question of the day...
Q: When you’ve read a book,
what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)
Depends. I'm tight on space, so I keep close tabs on my library. I KEEP the books I want to reread and I pass most of the rest on. I used to sell 'em on Amazon or give them to the schools, but I'm blogging, now, so I'm going to give them to someone I know wants them!!
The flip side is making sure authors benefit, right? I buy new as often as I can and borrow books from the library like a maniac whether I have time to read 'em or not - so the library will buy more of my favorite authors books!! I try to avoid buying used, although... sometimes books are irresistible in any form!!
What about you? What
do you do with your read books?!