We I'm hopping, browsing, uh... playing this morning. I started with TayteH's site, who had that sugar-rush idea of melting candy bars in hot chocolate and insanely thinks I should actually try it. (Kids'll wonder why Mom is swinging from the curtains, but I'm up for it!)
She has all these links to Giveaways, like the
Follow me to 1,000 followers Giveaway by Five Alarm Book Reviews, which I've seen all over the place, but never followed to the actual Giveaway... which is listed under Contests. Of course, (allow me to be sarcastic in writing, which rarely comes off right) she wants to award actual Followers of her blog, meaning, don't just enter to win, Follow her reviews and stuff. Preposterous, hey? (That's the sarcastic bit, I actually think that's the point of book blogging... reading reviews, "following" book blogs, so Yay! for Five Alarm!! Back to fun, tasteful humor...)
I also found NetGalley Month by Books, Biscuits & Tea - Not, actually from Reading in Paradise, but you know how Way leads on to Way while Surfing... it was somewhere. And seriously, what a great idea! I am reading NetGalley books like I just discovered the site and got a bunch of 'em. Oh yea, 'cause I did!!
Then there's the Maji Bookshelf ladies, who apparently like PINK!
(The fun part about leaving a trail of where I'm wondering is figuring out which tab I am hopping to and from when I have so many open they're min-tabs. This is what I do when I have a lot of work that needs to be done, open a bazillion tabs that I'll zip through lickity-split on my way to getting to work. That way I can be surprised when an hour passes, like I thought I was just goofin' around for a minute. I know I'm not the only one who does this... 'fess up!!)
Here's a new blogger I hadn't found 'til today... My Cute Bookshelf. It's cute, too. (Not like I often use the word "cute" but actually cute. If you follow MY blog, you know what I mean.)
Ok... this is way fun. Have you entered all these Giveaways, yet? Not like you have to, but when someone wants to give me a book, I just don't complain about it, you know? I say, "thanks!!" Thank you, Ya-Aholic for hosting a Giveaway out of the blue to celebrate lotsa followers!!
Here's someone else who likes pink... Catchy, no? (Blinding?) SeeitORreadit not only has this great giveaway, but she's interviewing the author of Cinder on December 23rd and giving away.... a bookmark!! :-) I think I'll be Christmas shopping, but I really loved Cinder, so I am making a blogging note... visit See It on the 23rd!!
I'm not done, yet. I'm late for work, but I'm not done.
Here's the Winner of Great Giveaway Titles!!!! What's up with all this?!?! Doesn't it make you want to hop over to Eleusinian Mysteries and check out that blogger?! (It also makes me want to practice saying "Eleusinian" over and over. Like "Colorimetry" makes ya wanna swallow, "Eleusinian" makes ya wanna spit. Love it!)
Here's a spooky-lookin' one from, uh... Book Sake. I think I already entered this one before, but with Surfin' Ways, it's hard to remember. You've never entered a Giveaway twice, have you? Well, I entered (again?) just in case.
Here's a great giveaway... you see what you're hopin' to win right on the button!! Thanks Bookish Sarah!!!!!!
International Giveaway!! Two winners!! Woop! Woop!! And she has "Chocolate" in her name... she might be referring to her lab (dog), but I'm thinking of the food group.
Here's someone who likes actually giving stuff away like I do: I don't mean that as a threat, and I totally take it back if it's offensive, but she's offering extra stuff for more followers, which is hard not to do when the Grateful Spirit hits, so Woohoo!! Jump over to Mostly Reviews to enter her Giveaway!!!! (And Follow her REVIEWS, of course!!)
This design give me the inner shivers every time I hop over:
She's hosting an International Giveaway celebrating 100 Followers although she has over 300 - which is totally cool. *shudder* Hop over to The Hollow Cupboards and enter. *sigh*
Ok... that's enough dallying for me. I must tackle my long to-do list which grand-finale's in an All-School Singalong at the elementary school, something which happens at a set point in time, something which is challenging for me to coordinate with.
I hope this jump-starts some Giveaway-entering and meeting happy book bloggers everywhere. Continue the excitement by posting more giveaways you know about in the comments!!
Wait... here's one more:
Wait... and another!!
Ok, already, I'm leaving!!