In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren - hop over to join the linky!! There is nothing like sharing the fun books that arrived. I've been waiting all week for this day & there's over 350 participants, so, I'm not the only one!! :-D I love books!!
I ordered two books to mail to someone else for the Secret Santa thingame - and when you order more, there's no shipping, so I was happy to choose two books for my birthday, books I know I must read based on all those wonderful reviews all y'all write. (Yay! Thanks!!)
Incidently... the person receiving my Secret Santa gift got a package yesterday that she posted on her blog... and someone else sent her the exact same books I just sent her!! Apparently we both read through her blog enough to find a Great Idea and settled on the VERY SAME Great Idea. I feel like a total dork 'cause I got mine in the mail a day (or so) later than the other Santa, but not late enough to catch the duplication and change it. Has that ever happened to you? Do you have a spare turtle shell I could climb into and hide?!
I sent the audible version of Clockwork Prince to Sweety, who won my last Giveaway. She lives in India (correct me if I'm wrong!! I'm not sure of anything today!) and I just think that's the awesomest thing in the world - finding kindred book-readin' spirits on the other side of the planet. (Not that Oregon isn't far away from pretty much everyone... EXCEPT...)
I won a couple Giveaways myself!! One from an author who used to live a smidge further out in the boondocks than I do, but has since located to Washington State, which is just as soggy as Oregon, so that's close!! Thank you, Sandry Byrd!! for this trilogy for my Nook & the necklace in the mail!!
I also won:
Which I have had fun flipping through already. It's a great biography filled with tons of brainstorming ideas, which is right up my alley. If I'm not doing something, I'm thinking about doing something. :-)
I had astonishingly good luck at the library, too. I wanted to read this book in December for Calico Reaction's book club: I did not expect it to get in on time.... but it did!! and I found Entwined and The Power of Six before leaving the library!! I'm not sure I'll get to Six before it's due back 'cause I needed a break from overpowering bad guys, having just finished Pure. And I'm not sure how well I'll like Entwined, yet, 'cause there's so much dancing!!!! Lol.
Finally, I received God is in the Manger from Westminster John Knox Press at Netgalley, which is adding to my celebration of Christmas with inspiring devotions.
What a week, hey?
While I was out & about yesterday (the first Christmas party of the season and a doosy!) my GFC count passed 400. I feel like jumping up and down, excited, except I hadn't pre-planned hysteria, you know? So, I'm going to get all worked up about THE BIG 500 and do something really crazy. I'll brew on it for a day or so for proper levels of insanity.