Hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer & Oasis for YA & The Daily Harrell - hop on over to catch all the great giveaways!!!

This Giveaway ends on midnight (or whenever I declare it "over" the following morning) on the 27th of December...
...AFTER Christmas, AFTER all (or most) of the parties and family get-togethers, AFTER eating all the cookies (for me).
When all the glitter settles and there's a sudden lull between Christmas and New Year's... well, at that moment, it's a great time to win a giveaway!! :-) Maybe a book you didn't get or a sequel to one you did!! The point is, we can breathe again, read again... and win giveaways again!! :-) Woop! Woop!!
With no further ado...
I'm making this giveaway SIMPLE 'cause I haven't figured out an easy giveaway form, yet (hint-hint - share your secrets!!) so there's ONE required entry which includes...
make sure you're over 13 or know someone who is who will win for you
comment w/ how you follow my blog
and answer my Christmas Question:
What's your favorite cookie/treat?
Oh... and what to win?