Our Cam was up in the middle of the night, sick, so some of us didn't even get all the sleep hours available between the time we could force ourselves to sleep and the time the alarm declared it was morning.
Some of us read a little, too, shortening that time even more. Oops.
It's Monday, What are you Reading is hosted by Book Journey...

So... I'm still in the middlin' of Starters and at the beginning of Soulless... and slowly meandering through The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Next up: The Day of First Sun or Lies Beneath, maybe Intangible or Halflings or maybe Changeless!! Maybe I have no idea.
Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading:
What book do you wish you were reading right now? Where would you take it to, if you could go anywhere to read for a while?
This question inspires me to turn on some Dr. Seuss:
In a chair, on my bed, across the couch, near my love's head.
I would read this here or there, I would read it anywhere!
I would read it on this pillow, I would read it in a willow, please, oh please, just let me read, you do my taxes and I'll simply read!!!
Under the table, on the kitchen counter, outside in a gale, while rotating laundry... if I could I would, I would, I would, I would!!! You could do my taxes for me, you could!!!
Um... that applies to any of the above-mentioned books. *ahem* And, um, yes, that was spontaneous, so excuse the horrible rhyming 'cause I really do need to get to work.
Finally, I leave you with a great quote:
Hosted by Escape in a Book:

"Why 'Day'?
Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything's possible again. You live in the moment, you take it all one day at a time... You try to walk in the light."
This is from Legend, pg 304.