Saturday, May 12, 2012

Appreciating BBQ Snapshot!!

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ At Home With Books. Post a picture that you've taken, you or someone you know sometime in history... just not that awesome artwork ya find online, like I posted yesterday on Off to the Forest with Red Riding Hood.  Yea... not like that.

This past week was Teacher Appreciation Week in honor of National Children's Week (that's a guess, but what a coincidence, hey?) Our daughter brought a bouquet of flowers to her teacher almost every day - from all the Azalea bushes and Brodies. (We call the rhododendrons "brodies" 'cause it sounds like rhodies, only burn-outs are even funner.) That's all that's blooming so far. And some trees... she brought some pretend cherry blossoms. (Whatya call them trees that think they're producing cherries, but they're not?)

Anyway, this picture is the only one I got... our mid-schooler reluctantly agreed to try to give a lil' M&M pack to each of his teachers through-out the day. You can see his tiny handwriting on the card. "Thank you." He's a man of concise words.  The other kids gave their teachers M&Ms, too. I think I'm craving chocolate. That's my only reason as to why M&Ms. I could use some chocolate right now, actually.

Since I didn't have much of a picture for today, I whipped out the camera and got some pictures of dinner prep. When the sun comes out, I suddenly think... BBQ!!  Which means corn-on-the-cob would be nice!

I took a picture of the BBQ, too. It looks like we're having a big party, or something, doesn't it? It felt like a party eating it. But naw... this is just my family having dinner. (We didn't eat it all. I made too much.) I imagine I have some creative cooking years comin' up as the boys hit the teen years, though.

The hot dogs are those Kosher lite beef ones. They taste so good!!  I wish those things in the back were cheese balls... wouldn't that be yummy?  They're popcorn chicken. The 8 yr old only eats breaded chicken or grapes or cheese w/ a little orange, go-gurt or milk (and cereal). That's it. Those little thingame's weren't very good. I won't get 'em again.

I took Bear to the doctor this week to get his 11 yr old vaccinations and the Ok to play tackle football. The doc had a rather strict conversation with me on feeding my kids more fruits -n- veggies. I already go through a huge sack of oranges and another of apples, not to mention 3-4 bunches of bananas, pounds of grapes... in a week. ONE WEEK.  I'm not sure how to demand they eat more of that stuff. I don't get juice or pop. But I do go through one of those big gallon things of peanut butter every week, too.

It's so interesting how different a family of six eats - especially with big, growin' kids - compared to before they all arrived. Man, I remember having a whole gallon of milk in the fridge and thinking it was "stocked." A lone gallon of milk. And we didn't finish it.  Now if I'm down to only one gallon, I nearly panic and run to the store. I think I have five gallons in there, now. So I don't have to shop again for a few days.

Sorry 'bout goin' off like that. I went grocery shopping today. *ahem*