Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Critique Partner Request!

It has recently come to my attention that the current slog between me and my finished book could be hurdled with a CP, or two (or more)... Critique Partners who are daring, brave, bold and willing to pick apart my book bit by bit so I...

1. Write it all down
2. In order
3. Without forgetting someone or something essential
4. to get it finished
5. FAST.

Recently Jade over at Dream, Write, Publish looked over my sloppy ms and said "I think your concept ROCKS". A while ago she wrote about why she is grateful to her CPs in her post, The One Thing Every Writer Must Have. Cassie at Reading, Writing and Lovin' It highlighted specific Critique Partner comments that were helpful to her.

I didn't know what I was missing before, but now, I really need nit-pickin' critiques, people who'll tell me when it stinks or I explained something instead of showing it.

I realize I can go to Query Tracker and Ladies Who Critique for help, but I thought I'd ask my readers first. Fer one, I feel like I already know you (and maybe you already like my writing style?!) Fer two, you like to read the same stuff I do!!  Plus, you're naturally opinionated!!

If you're interested, email me at burgandyice(at)live(dot)com with "Alpha Reader" in the subject line. I'll share some details like the premise - it's a YA paranormal, fairytale retelling  (no surprise there, right?) - and you can decide if you're interested!!

Thanks for considering!!!