Hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer & Rex Robot Reviews:

You have two difficult choices before you. The first I will make easier by providing choices. The second is all on you. If you don't feel up to the challenge... hop along to another giveaway.
NO WAIT!! Have a seat... Really, you're welcome here, of course! I was just being dramatic.
Ok, ready?
First choice... Which beach do you want to take your winning book to? Don't just pick the sunny one, pick the one that will add to your book in multiple delicious ways!! It might be easier if you make the second choice first... Which book do you want to bring?
Before you choose... think about this. Your book needs to be fast-paced 'cause the rhythm of the waves on the shore will lull you into a dreamy state of near-unconsciousness. This is not the time to experience Jane Eyre for the first time finally. This is the time to check out those books rated "Couldn't put it down"! One of those books you swallow all at once. Let the experience of your virtual beach flavor the book in your memory forever!!
Too dramatic? Huh. Is there such a thing?!
Choose carefully... where are you (virtually) taking your book?
1. The Beach of Thundering Waves

2. The Rocky Beaches of the Stormy Islands

3. The Wall of Impossibility near Crystal Clear Waters

4. The Shores of Tropical Seclusion

5. The Hidden Cove

6. The Far-Seeing Cliffs of Longing

7. The Pier of Peace

8. The Undiscovered Oasis

9. The Caves of Morning Mists

10. The Highlands of Abundant Waters

11. The Forgotten Mermaid Alcove

12. The Isle of Ever-Morning

I found these gorgeous pix on Pinterest!!
Available to WIN is a book that will keep you riveted even while you recline in luxury sippin' a delicious bottomless ice tea.

This is not an exclusive list of exciting reads, obviously... if you a specific book in mind (and who doesn't?!) we can choose the most exciting out of your Wishlist, ok? "How to embroider" will not count, though. Sorry!! (I like to embroider, maybe, so nothin' against skilled embroiderists. "How to" books are for a different day, though. *ahem*)
This is an International Giveaway for anyone able to receive from The Book Depository. You must be least 13 or older. See my giveaway rules under About Me.
Which beach are you choosing?
a Rafflecopter giveaway