It hurts. Not like... well, nevermind. It's worth showin' off a little color. (I could pass for a vampire in the winter, I think.)

Thx, Sheila for hosting It's Monday, What Are You Reading? Keeping track of my life based on my fictional "life" is very sensible. This is where my brain is half the time, anyway...

My life is not all peaches, though. No. I forgot my phone last Saturday after giving my husband Google directions to Cam's soccer game location. He was there, alrighty, but he couldn't find the team. There's not that many of 'em... and there's no "15 min early" instructions... but after scoping the place out for 1/2 an hour, he finally headed my way.
I was "play tracking" for the football game. (I have a "fair bone" so it makes sense to count how many plays each player gets 'til they reach at least 10 each. I'm already counting as I watch, anyway. As a "volunteer", I get to bug the coaches. :-D Oh yea!) My husband left messages on my phone... but I didn't have it.
Hypothetically, I could've contacted the coach and hooked up the players (& the team snacks) with the game. Only, I'm not even that organized. After this weekend, however, I'll be getting phone numbers in my phone and maybe hot-gluing the thing (phone) in my hair for the weekend, or something.
NO WONDER my brain is in books!! Right? Gotta stay sane one way or another!

Next I'll read The Sweetest Dark before it expires on NetGalley so I can get back to the Vampire Academy series. I'm still writing my review for Frostbite. Seems like I keep getting interrupted as soon as I'm deep in thought. Lol. It's a side-effect of getting so much stuff done, I guess!

Yea, so. I hid lots of cool fall pix all over, too. That's not very "simple" but I love pix. They all link to Pinterest. Let me know if my blog opens up too slowly!! Yikes!
And I totally NEED the cute buttons that link to Twitter and Facebook and everything all in one place. Can I finally get one of those thingames?! I am having trouble wrapping my head around how to do that. (Any volunteers?)