I'm not indecisive, or anything.
You wanna know how long it took me to come up with Colorimetry? Lol. A long time. And then longer to make it book related. My favorite thing about the name is how it's hard to say. It gets stuck in the back of your throat, which cracks me up.
Don't even get me started on "Burgandy Ice". *snort* ;-)
It's just that some things require a lot of thought, you know? Pre-planning, trial -n- error. Blogging isn't easy. I mean, it's not "hard" as in get-a-four-year-degree-in-English-and-minor-in-computer-graphics hard. Although... that's a good idea! If you could get away with it, do try. Just explain to your parents or spouse that blogging will be profitable some day, so it's worth dumping a bunch of money into figuring out how to do it well.

I've been blogging almost a year and my husband is starting to get suspicious that blogging will never profit anything we can trade for food. He sees the packages coming in and hears my squeals as I get more books, but he doesn't always see how that's important for the entire family. Occasionally he's gone so far as to pat me on the back with a sort of "keep the wife happy" kind of smile.
Dangerous. Better pat a lion on the head than hint at dissin' my library.
*cough* No, I mean, I'm working on the profitable side. Don't I have an excessive amount of ads everywhere? Sure! If someone wanted to buy something, I'm a hub.

Now onto the chocolate. These are rich, so go slowly so you can enjoy the sugar rush when it hits your blood stream. You can get the actual recipe HERE or by clicking on the picture. Or rather, don't... and pass the cucumber slices.
I'm back on our no-sugar, almost-no-carb diet thing and craving "contraband" something fierce. Not that I need any reason to desire chocolate any given day.
I was chatting with my friend who doesn't live in Costa Rica at the moment, and she was describing a 6th taste sense (I may have forgotten the number. How many taste senses do we have? This is an extra one.) It sounded really cool... like an enjoyment of the dark and bitter, maybe. I am inspired to ask...
Do you like your tea super-strong? Or do you prefer the proper boiling water on tea leaves for a specific amount of time and no more?
Do you like your coffee black and dark? Or do you spend gobs of money to find the lightest, most delicate, smooth fresh cup?
It's possible my preference is clear in the question. *cough* I am VERY particular about how long my tea sits and I go QUITE out of my way to find a light, smooth coffee. My friend actually prefers the thicker, darker stuff. PREFERS. Unbelievable. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed for "fixing" my mother-in-law's tea all this time? Or conclude that this 6th sense is purely fictional and all you dark lovers are nuts.
(I don't think this applies to chocolate. I, like most of my readers, seem to have a taste for all sorts of chocolate.)
I must thank Pinterest for the recipe for that obscene looking desert. And also an ENTIRE STASH of gorgeous pictures of old books on Sylvia's Simple Life. (Did you vote, yet?)