So, what should I call this?! "This" is me inviting you into my kitchen for a sip of something and a snack (virtual, whatever) and a chit-chat about something book-ish (or whatever.)
I've tried...
Cookies on the Brain ????
But they just don't have a ring to 'em, you know?
I kind of like cream and sugar in whatever I'm drinking, almost. 'Cause I love coffee - I'm very picky about my coffee. And I love tea all day long. And I love 'em hot or iced or blended... with cinnamon rolls or carrot sticks or nuts and bolts.
*Sigh* I just don't know. Lil' help here?

BUT... I needed to finish painting the shop. It matches the house, now, which is so very... domestic!!
AND... I butted heads with Bear over homework. He's going to hate me publishing this, but it flavored the entire second half of my day (creating a great atmosphere to set writing aside and read at football practice.) He is so busy with school and it's his first year having separate classes for each subject and separate teachers giving him assignments. So, suddenly, he has something to do in so many classes PLUS a new instrument to practice (Trombone) PLUS football three nights a week. PLUS he's trying to keep up with Mine Craft and Pokemon at the same pace he was during summer. It's just not possible.

I read a great post on the importance of passing on RESPONSIBILITY this morning. I'm not always a great example. But I'm stubborn enough to try to teach it one way or another. You know? (I can't find where that post went... here posty-posty-posty...)
Speaking of reading posts... I was trying to visit folks who've visited me this morning. BECAUSE I finally realized that "later" will never arrive. Arriane wrote this crazy-great post on bloggers who don't visit back. I feel like she meant ME!! I comment back, but I haven't gotten to visiting much. Like Joy pointed out:
Joy Weese Moll
Fall, to me, feels like a time to read more and write more and do pretty much everything else more. Like, I wasn't busy enough all summer? Oh well, It will all get done or it won't and that's okay, too.
Yea. I keep feeling like I can do more, now, and, well, I am, but not what I thought I would be doing.
Now I'm talking in circles.
This week is all about pausing to evaluate and DO the stuff I want to do instead of letting all my time flit away into random busy-ness.
1. I'm visiting bloggers and it's sooo fun!!Those are in backwards order. Which is why some of my wonderful posts waiting to be posted aren't up, yet. AND... why some of my giveaways are old.
2. I'm writing, making progress on my book!
3. I'm getting the kids to bed earlier and helpin' get homework completed.
4. I'm working on projects with my honey.
I seriously need to do a bunch on Colorimetry... but I think I've blathered plenty for today. Hey... maybe Cream & Sugar Blatherings? Yuck. That sounds like spitting in the sugar bowl.