Hey... thanks for stopping by! Pull up a chair and have a seat! Cuppa tea for you?
I am being totally LAME-O on posting, so this is a casual way of saying... um... I'm still here, I just don't know where I misplaced myself.
My honey's birthday is right after Halloween... which makes two AWESOME events comin' up this week. I had so many plans for Halloween posts. *pause* Well, at least we picked up some pumpkins and carved them today. We were kinda cutting it close to the 31st. Whatya do if you miss the date?
I mean... if Christmas flies by, do you still get a tree and hand the lights? Some seasons are so crazy. I remember one year I got half the lights up on the tree and the string just lay there, dangling for over a week 'til I could get back to it.
This week isn't quite that crazy... but it is pretty serious. Wanna know how serious? I was reading Bloodlines this morning and had to stop right when Sydney and Adrian are waiting at knife point for Strigoi... and I haven't had a second to pick up my book since I left 'em hangin' there. That's serious.
Halloween is so delicious. I broke down at ate those Resee's I posted on the giveaway last week. My excuse was everyone is listing different types of Halloween candies they prefer. In a perfect world, I would research which candy is the winner's favorite and surprise 'em with it. Doesn't that sound fun? So I was free to eat the chocolate peanut butter deliciousness. Mmmmm.... it was good, too.
So, hey... this is a discussion. Hop in and share some crazy-busy weird moment so I don't feel like the only nutcase here. And everyone on the east coast trumps my twinkle light issue with a tree in their living room? I hope & pray everyone's ok over there tonight