I found a really fun ebook for this giveaway... along with some words from the author.

Hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer & Bookworm Lisa

by Jade Hart
Kindle Edition, 404 pages
Published December 5th by Jade Hart
Around the world, murderers and rapists pick off the innocent. Killing loved ones, separating families, and ruining lives.
As an eight-year-old girl, Ocean witnessed her family’s massacre and something altered inside her. Twisting her genetic code… unlocking an ability to teleport.
Ocean Breeze was never destined to be normal, especially having been named after air-freshener. She’s a shadow, a ghost—a dark saviour of the innocent. Armed with a switchblade in her bra, and a box-cutter in her pocket, she hunts the filth of the world.
Callan Bliss is a Sydney police officer whose skill-set is far above that of a normal cop. All his fellow officers see is a hard worker who loves to catch perpetrators and surf, but that’s because they don’t know about his past. When Callan arrests a suspicious-looking prostitute, he comes face-to-face with a self-confessed vigilante, and suddenly, his secrets aren’t so easy to keep silent.
Ocean hates the police with a passion, and has no intention of being held captive by a cop, even if he is sexy as hell. Teleporting from under his nose, Ocean hunts her next target—a man responsible for the largest sex ring in South Africa—and now he’s about to die. But she doesn’t count on Callan giving chase, nor the body-quaking lust that consumes them. However, Ocean's dark hobbies take precedence over what her heart wants—her thirst for murdering is killing her too, and not even Callan can save her.
I have been following Jade's blog for over a year... and I am SOOO excited about her new book. The cover is amazing, isn't it? The premise sounds ominous... what a perfect combination!! Please welcome Jade Hart to Colorimetry!!
What inspired me to write Ocean Kills?
I had a dream one night that I was on holiday with my hubby and the hotel was terrible. I remember thinking, I wish I was at home in my own house with my own things. A moment later I was in my room, but with a splitting headache and nosebleed. I thought, hey, what if I had a heroine who could do something cool like teleport and it really hurt her to use it, but she forces herself to because of things bigger than herself.
Ha... wow. That would be cool, but... not, both.
What is my favorite scene?
Umm, this is hard as I like all of the character building for both Ocean and Callan, but it's probably the dinner scene where they just relax and chat in Bali. It was the first moment where they paused from what drove both of them and just allowed themselves to learn about each other.
Ah. The quiet moment. Makes me think there aren't many of 'em?
Something personal?
Well, I have a house-rabbit who is absolutely adorable and makes me laugh everyday. My hubby is my best friend and the most important person in my life. Together we achieve our goals and dreams and have a great time doing it. :)
Yea... I picked up on that. The hubby relationship, not the house-rabbit. That's a surprise.
To other people who want to write?
Find critique partners. I didn't grow into myself as a writer without meeting my critique partners. They are my rock and I wouldn't be the write I am without them. Also, and I know it's hard, but write every day. I used to be a complete panster and never knew where my books were taking me, but now I'm a plot-panster. I have a very loose outline which I follow, but then let the character go off on their own tangent. This way I never truly have writers block, and I get to keep my freedom.
Find critique partners. I didn't grow into myself as a writer without meeting my critique partners. They are my rock and I wouldn't be the write I am without them. Also, and I know it's hard, but write every day. I used to be a complete panster and never knew where my books were taking me, but now I'm a plot-panster. I have a very loose outline which I follow, but then let the character go off on their own tangent. This way I never truly have writers block, and I get to keep my freedom.
Thank you for visiting!!!!

Jade Hart is a self-confessed book worm who is happiest glued to a lap-top with an eternal battery life and typing up stories running rampant in her head.
Her three favorite things are:
1. Unlimited books on an Ebook Reader
2. Cracking the sugar on a creme brulee
3. Bunny rabbits
Jade currently resides in Middle-Earth, but has lived in Australia, England, and Hong Kong.
She writes New Adult 'smexy' fiction. Look for SAMSARA coming soon by Curiosity Quills Press, and the eagerly awaited Ocean Kills - book one of the Ocean Breeze Series.
If she isn't writing, she's reading. And if she isn't reading, she's travelling.
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Alrighty... a show of hand, please, how many of us have bunny rabbits?
My bunny rabbit was a gift from my honey... and he lives outside the kitchen window. We visit frequently. He's not allowed in the house. His name is Bumpity.
Enter to win an eCopy of Ocean Kills from Jade Hart. All my rules under the About tab apply.
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