On the occasions I'm not engulfed in writing you'll find me reading a book, either for fun or for review on my blog, Crazy Lady with a Pen. When I'm not reading, I'm spending time with my friends and family. Life is too short to pass those beautiful little moments life has to offer by, I want to soak up every moment I can.
For more information about me, my books, reviews, or my blog, please visit my website,www.DarianWilk.weebly.com.
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What inspired you to write Reinventing Claire?
The idea originally came during a dinner out with my husband. There was a couple a few tables away from us, and there was something about the woman’s nervous anxiety during her conversation that caught my attention. Their conversation seemed strained and tense, and I began to wonder what they could possibly be talking about. As my mind wandered, I was intrigued with the idea of how a woman who thought she was happily married, found out her husband thought otherwise – and left her. How would she react? How would you move on if you didn’t know your marriage was broken? As the questions poured in, I had to see if Claire could answer them.
Do you have a favorite scene?
I think I have two, actually. The first being when Charlie has just left Claire; I like that mix of vulnerability and raw emotion she faces, and how it makes her head spin. The other is her first major public meltdown when trying to pick out paint for her new home. As she realizes that she’s lost the essence of her in her marriage, she becomes hysteric, waiving paint samples in people’s faces, crying while she’s laughing – to me, it’s very funny to me watching her fall apart like that.
Share something personal!!
I’m writing this with a big splotch of white paint running through my hair. No, really, I am. I look kind of like a skunk. I’m in the middle of painting my bathroom because we’re about to put our house on the market. As I’m trying to wrap up the last loose ends, I remember now how much I hate patching and painting walls.
In four short weeks we’ll be closing on our new house, and I’ll be patching and painting all over again! Buying a home for the first time is exciting; it’s new and thrilling in every way. Buying your second home is all that, and a crap ton more I’m learning.
I’ve always taken pride in my home and how it looks, but when you want to sell it, it sheds a whole new light on it. I find myself scrutinizing everything; is it spotless enough? Do I have too many family photos set out that it will be distracting to a buyers imagination? If I were looking to buy it, what would be the first thing I saw that I loved and hated? Is the blue in the bedroom too blue? Is the kitchen modern enough? This whole process has, as my daughter would say, turned me into a hot mess.
One minute I’m mentally decorating our new home, and the next minute I’m about to hyperventilate about if our current house doesn’t sell. We can’t afford two mortgages and renting it sounds like a nightmare. Our realtor tells me it’s a good time to sell; there are more buyers in the market then there are homes on the market, so listing prices are on the rise. I should find relief in that, but I’m still freaking out.
My inner Yoda is telling me to just relax, that everything will work out as it should. Then my inner panic chimes in and tells Yoda to get bent. I tell my husband on a daily basis that I’m about to have a heart attack. Yet as I write this, I think I’ve decided to tell myself to just ride the wave, let it take me where it may, and to try and enjoy the ride. So tonight, I’ll wash the paint out of my hair, mentally decorate my new home, and cross my fingers someone buys my old one.
Reinventing ClaireIn four short weeks we’ll be closing on our new house, and I’ll be patching and painting all over again! Buying a home for the first time is exciting; it’s new and thrilling in every way. Buying your second home is all that, and a crap ton more I’m learning.
I’ve always taken pride in my home and how it looks, but when you want to sell it, it sheds a whole new light on it. I find myself scrutinizing everything; is it spotless enough? Do I have too many family photos set out that it will be distracting to a buyers imagination? If I were looking to buy it, what would be the first thing I saw that I loved and hated? Is the blue in the bedroom too blue? Is the kitchen modern enough? This whole process has, as my daughter would say, turned me into a hot mess.
One minute I’m mentally decorating our new home, and the next minute I’m about to hyperventilate about if our current house doesn’t sell. We can’t afford two mortgages and renting it sounds like a nightmare. Our realtor tells me it’s a good time to sell; there are more buyers in the market then there are homes on the market, so listing prices are on the rise. I should find relief in that, but I’m still freaking out.
My inner Yoda is telling me to just relax, that everything will work out as it should. Then my inner panic chimes in and tells Yoda to get bent. I tell my husband on a daily basis that I’m about to have a heart attack. Yet as I write this, I think I’ve decided to tell myself to just ride the wave, let it take me where it may, and to try and enjoy the ride. So tonight, I’ll wash the paint out of my hair, mentally decorate my new home, and cross my fingers someone buys my old one.
by Darian Wilk
Paperback, 246 pages
Published August 20th 2012 by Darian Wilk
People get divorced, but that's what happens to other people. That's what Claire thought anyway, until her husband, Charlie, tells her he wants a divorce.
Claire has no choice but to take on the title of Divorced Woman, and face the question she has no idea how to answer. Who is Claire without Charlie? Her family believes her newly divorced woes can be cured by landing herself a boyfriend. With her dating dunce cap in hand, Claire stumbles her way through the foreign territory of online dating.
A teacher from hell, a softball coach, and a sap later, Claire proclaims herself the dating idiot she thought she was, and fears she's doomed to be a lonely, crazy cat lady. But an accidental run-in with an old acquaintance might change everything. What starts with comparing dating battle wounds over a cup of coffee, quickly turns into something Claire had given up on.
As Claire discovers maybe there is love after Charlie after all, Charlie realizes his mistake. He wants her back, and he'll do anything to prove it to her. Now Claire must choose who deserves her heart, and if she's really willing to give it away again.
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