Launching the Map Puzzle Tour
for King by RJ Larson...
On Tour with Prism Book Tours...

Paperback, 352 pages
Published July 1, 2013 by Bethany House
Akabe of Siphra is certain his people are insane.
Why have they made him a king?
What, in the name of peacetime boredom do kings do?
Frustrated by a lengthy silence from his Creator, the Infinite, Akabe decides to prove himself as king by undertaking a monumental task, his own lifelong dream: Rebuild the Infinite’s temple in Siphra.
But Akabe’s impulsive decision sweeps him into a storm of controversy. The Infinite’s enemies join forces in Siphra, and beyond, conspiring to destroy the emerging temple—and to kill their king and his mysterious new queen.

R.J. Larson is the author of numerous devotionals featured in publications such as Women's Devotional Bible and Seasons of a Woman's Heart. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with her husband and their two sons. Prophet marks her debut in the fantasy genre.
Map Puzzle Tour...
22 - Launch!
Kien (Judge cover) is the original owner of the map... the scrolling mimics his sword...
Follow the tour to reveal the entire map!
Kien (Judge cover) is the original owner of the map... the scrolling mimics his sword...

23 – ADDLibrarian
25 – TheOther World
26 – Piecesof Whimsy
29 – JoJo’sCorner
30 – Proud Book Nerd
31 – KellyP’s Blog
1 – Worthy 2Read
2 –
4 – Backing Books
5 – Shannon’sBlog
9 – Grand
July 22 - August 16
Print copy of Prophet, Judge & King. USA, Canada, UK only.
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