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It's a wildly fun Follow You - Follow Me - Follow You - Hop About... they explain it better. Just hop over to join up on the linky thing and comment here so I know you stopped by and I'll come follow you back! (Or something like that.)
I can't wait to see you're answer on this one!!
I love revealing questions, and this one's nearly soul-baring:
Q: Activity!!! Take a picture or describe where you love to read the most...
jajajaja Please!! I don't clean the house and night for pictures!!!
I hid the titles on the books... 'cause every time I go to the library, they follow me home. It's true. I can't claim 'em, don't have time to read 'em all, but I like having them near me. They're soothing. :-)
I'm reading on my Nook tonight in low light. Love it. One of the angel books, Embrace! Of course!
I knew this Giveaway would give me the willies... thank you so much, Anna Death Duarte, for kickin' 'em into gear!! I'm freaked out! jajajajaja