
I've been wrackin' my brain all day trying to think up something SPRINGY and FUN for this giveaway... something witty, maybe, or just.... SOMETHING. But I am well and truly sick, folks. My brain feels like it's stuffed with fluff and my throat is roaring while I periodically try to cough out my lungs for some fresh air. Delightful.
This is a part of Spring, tho, isn't it? Creations by Laurel-Rain Snow dared to mention allergies recently and I could've throttled her (except she's so darn NICE!) for bringing up such a sore subject. I mean, SPRING is beautiful & amazing, right? So what's up with new batches of germs and over-excited pollen?!
What I would really, REALLY like for this giveaway is something beautiful. I'd love to see pictures that mean spring or poems or something incredibly CUTE that will take my mind off this dumb... whatever-it-is that's fogging up my bring this week.
(Btw, I'm reading Immortal Rules when I can open my eyes, and it's very distracting. Sometimes I feel like the pain in my throat is hunger, or something. Takes some imagination, but that I got.)
To win... well, you'll have to tell me what book you want to win. Just keep it under $12 shipable from The Book Depository. My giveaway rules are listed under About Me - just make sure you're old enough and whatever.
Cheer me up with something Spring-y!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway