Hosted by Portrait of a Book & I Am A Reader, Not A Writer...

I have a really fun prize for this romantic giveaway!!

I don't know about you, but sometimes you just need a GREAT book for your bookshelf. If you, like me, haven't read this treasure, yet, let me assure you, I've read some reviews and this is one of those dessert books.
You know, the delicious chocolate you eat after you finish your veggie review books? I'm not saying review books don't surprise ya sometimes and turn out to be chocolate covered strawberries in disguise. I'm just saying everyone should have a well-recommended book waiting just in case of a reading slump. And Under the Never Sky is that for me. Rich chocolate reading waiting for when my current sugar rush of good reading runs out.
Ok, so I'm writing this post right after dinner and I WISH I had some chocolate dessert for real. Right now. Oh wait!! I picked up a bag of mini Kit-Kats today!!! YESSSSS!!!! Hey... I'll send the winner some!! Chocolate to go with your chocolate!! That way I don't eat them all myself. Good thing this is a short giveaway. Otherwise, this chocolate would be GONE!!!
Enough with the chocolate already!!!!
Here's the book trailer to wet your appetite:
Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
Did I mention this book is signed? By the author, too!! Yea!! And it comes with an AWESOME bookmark!!
Even if you already have three copies on all your e-readers and stuff, you wanna win this. You never know when you want an extra copy of a good book.
This giveaway is open internationally. I'll baggie up the chocolate so it won't ruin your beautiful book if it's already hot where you live. You know, it's almost getting too late to ship chocolate? Did you know?
My shipping limit is $12. Some remote locations are out of range. (If you navigate crocodiles or travel two hours to a postal pickup hut that is only manned on Tuesdays from 3-4, I'm talking to you. Sorry.)
Other giveaway rules are listed under About Me and clarify that you gotta be old enough to win & it's no one's fault if there's a hiccup along the way.
Thank you to everyone following Colorimetry!! I'm super grateful!! If you're curious, I keep all my giveaways in the top left hand sidebar. Sometimes there's a lot running all at once, which is fun & confusing. I keep old ones up 'til winners are awarded so I don't confuse myself in all the fun.
a Rafflecopter giveaway