How many of you are listening to Christmas music already? Come on... 'fess up!!
This is the year to get an early jumpstart on Christmas. I have creative plans to add something homemade to gifts this year. At my pace, I should be planning on Christmas 2013, but... I'm in denial. I still think I can make something in time for this Christmas!!
Are you making plans already? Any hints?
Hey... how's that NaNoWriMo going? Allow me to jus' lay down and roll with laughter over this one. I still think I can catch up. I've gotten to 7,231 words but things are getting rather dry. *sips tea* My personal goal? I want to work my way through my Grand Finale, another 10,000 words, or so, which will put me at 35,000 total for my story. Perfect for a first draft. For me. 'Cause if I know me... I need to keep myself to as short as possible before it gets away from me. Lol.
Oh, it will get away from me.
What are you reading, though, for real?
Thx, Sheila @ Book Journey for asking the great question!!
I'm in the middle of a few at the moment.
We'll be looking for book reviewers... anyone?
These have not kept me from writing my book. No... that was all me. Sometimes the words do not fly off the page. Sometimes they stubbornly hang onto their slimy rocks and refuse to budge. Gail Carson Levine said that... that she scrapes words off the slimy walls they originate from and the dark, dank picture has always stuck with me. I didn't believe her until this past week, but now I'm wishing she hadn't been so clear in her description, 'cause they're glaring at me. (The words are. As they hunch there, unbudgingly.)
Thanks for stopping by!! I can't wait to visit you back! :-D