Shadow Eyes
by Dusty Crabtree
Paperback, Promotional Print Edition, 387 pages
Published July 15th 2012 by Musa Publishing
Iris Kohl lives in a world populated by murky shadows that surround, harass, and entice unsuspecting individuals toward evil. But she is the only one who can see them. She’s had this ability to see the shadows, as well as brilliantly glowing light figures, ever since an obscure, tragic incident on her fourteenth birthday three years earlier.
Although she’s learned to cope, the view of her world begins to shift upon the arrival of three mysterious characters. First, a handsome new teacher whose presence scares away shadows; second, a new friend with an awe-inspiring aura; and third, a mysterious and alluring new student whom Iris has a hard time resisting despite already having a boyfriend.
As the shadows invade and terrorize her own life and family, she must ultimately revisit the most horrific event of her life in order to learn her true identity and become the hero she was meant to be.
When Dusty sent me an email, I could tell she was responding to my blog, which caught my attention. Plus... her cover is downright creepy, not to mention the premise!! Lol. I was curious to learn some more and I'm happy to say, she agreed to stop by for an Interview as well as share her eBook with a Colorimetry reader!!
What sparked the idea
behind Shadow Eyes?
The idea for Shadow Eyes actually first came to me
as a screenplay for a Christian horror movie, if there ever was such a
genre. The movie would have been about a
cast of intertwined characters going about their lives and making mistakes with
dark, creepy shadows (demons) hovering around them, whispering to them, and
influencing them to do evil things. Only
the audience would see the shadows; the characters would be completely
A few years after I’d had that idea, my friend
suggested I should write a novel like the paranormal angel books we’d been
reading and loving. I’d always loved the
concept of angels and demons in stories and immediately thought back to that screenplay
idea. I just changed it to have a
teenage protagonist, Iris, who had a special ability to see the shadows, as
well as light figures (angels), but nobody else could.
You know... that seriously gives me the chills. I have enjoyed some books like that, except... they feel too real!! (I have a veeeery vivid imagination!! & maybe some... experience. *shudder*)
Do you have a
favorite scene?
Oh my goodness, it is
so hard to choose. I have several
favorite scenes including the climax and the resolution – neither of which I
can share with you without completely ruining the whole book. So…how about I share another favorite scene:
when Iris first meets Patrick!
I could tell he
was tall and thin yet muscular underneath his black jacket and green T-shirt,
which, along with his flawless tanned face, made his deep green eyes stand out
like emeralds. He reminded me of a blond, green-eyed James Dean if James Dean
had lived in this decade. He had the same seductive attraction and suave
attitude that appeared effortless. He even smelled intoxicating, though I
wasn’t sure how much of it was his cologne and how much was just his essence
reeking sexy.
He pivoted in
his rolling computer chair to face me. “Hey, I’m Patrick…and you are?” He
flashed a charming smile but held his position instead of reaching out his hand
to shake mine as Kyra would have done. Although we had barely met, it felt like
a tease and he was playing hard to get since I found myself longing to touch
his hand.
I blinked as I
tried to find my voice. “Um…Iris.” I smiled shyly and attempted to avert my
eyes, which was difficult since his entire being was magnetic.
“Oh!” he
exclaimed, raising his eyebrows and nodding in approval of my name. He leaned
forward intimately. “So tell me, do you get reborn every spring?”
I stared at him
stupidly, trying to figure out what he meant, but instead I got lost in his
deep green eyes that matched the fitted T-shirt underneath his open jacket,
revealing how lean and sculpted he really was.
know…because iris…is a flower?” he said slowly and flirtatiously, through an
enticing grin that almost made me faint.
I kicked myself
for not getting his obvious pun and waited hopefully for some witty reply to come
to my mind as it usually did. But Patrick’s gaze seemed to make me
absent-minded. It was as if his green eyes were my kryptonite, making all my
defensive powers of wit and sarcasm useless. I was exposed and vulnerable. But
for some reason, with Patrick…I liked it.
Share something
personal!! Favorite writing... nook? Snack? Music? Inspiration?
I would have to say that my favorite drink/pastime/inspiration
while writing is drinking coffee. I have
written many a great scene while sipping on the delicious beverage – fuel, if
you will, for mental clarity and drive that in turn somehow opens the
floodgates of the mind and helps the creativity flow in a beautifully artistic
yet organized and coherent way. (Okay,
that, however, was not written under the influence of coffee. I have my moments without it.)
Yay!! Another coffee-lover! You're in good company here!! :-D We love coffee around these parts. And creativity. Thank you for coming by!!!
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