Monday, February 3, 2014

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi - My review

This is a Review Post. 0.0  I know. Wow.

Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)Unravel Me
by Tahereh Mafi

it's almost
time for war.

Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.

She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.

Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.

In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life.

My thoughts:

I'm a fan of Tahereh Mafi having met her in person and she kindly remembered me. (Wow!) I gave Shatter Me 5 stars. I'm not sure why I didn't read this next book 'til now. I like to think that subconsciously I remembered that Ignite Me would be coming out Feb 4th so I planned to read these two back to back. Maybe.

I read a copy from the library which I'd checked out at least three different times. I read the first page planning on setting it aside. Planning Schmanning - I did not live or breathe without being Juliette for days and now I'm struggling with having finished the book. In fact, I'm relieved-to-sprawled-on-the-ground that the pain of not being Juliette for a few days will be short-lived.

I can see how some readers might think there is too much emotion crammed into each paragraph. Frankly, I'm relieved. This writing is TOO intimate, too much like Tahereh climbed inside my head to write. Like she took the crazy, co-dependent side of me and ballooned it into something so twisted and pathetic, I could only nod in agreement. In the first book, it is a little difficult to identify with Juliette unreservedly. I mean, she's nuts. Insane. Even admitting close association feels a little weird. It's hard not to watch Tahereh out of the corner of your eye for potential spontaneous weirdness, since that first book came from somewhere in her head.

But this book?  Unravel Me?  Juliette is changing and growing and... maybe it's just me, but latching onto someone else to feel a sense of worth and purpose is very real to me. Her relationship with Adam continues its burst of growth into something that is not healthy, but such a life-saving connection that No-Adam is horrifically worse than Some-Adam. Until... Some-Adam is infinitely worse than No-Adam. Sweet, sweet progressions that dragged me through mud without my noticing.

Brilliant. I love FEELING without realizing how I was being led until I've arrived.

Warner returns, too. Maybe I didn't want to know how close Warner would get to Juliette. That's possible. I really enjoyed hating him. I didn't want to see a real, human side of him. I definitely never wanted to see how much Warner and Juliette have in common!!  Until I found myself there, in the moment, and was completely convinced.

What I love best is still the writing. I love how Juliette lets her thoughts go and then reigns them in by crossing them out. I love how much of her is revealed by the crossed out words. I love her effort in controlling her thoughts and heart. I connect with that concept deeply. There are two realities for me - the one that exists and the one I want to exist, and Tahereh captures this beautifully.

In Shatter Me, the concept of all the folks hiding out with super powers was a weird twist for me, so I enjoyed the way Unravel Me expands on this world and humanizes those folks. Slowly. Juliette is very slow to let anyone in, and I developed with her, from suspicious to welcoming to anxious for their safety. I love that.

I don't have any quotes because I wanted to quote the entire book from the first line. So, I need this book in my library. I will be re-reading it some day. I loved it even more than Shatter Me. More.

Juliette's emotions run high and low and wide and deep. I can't help hoping that not everyone likes this book. Because I selfishly want to be unique and different and special. I want the way I identify with Juliette to be unique and different and special. Oh, yes, I understand Warner more than I want to admit!! So... just move along!!  There's nothing to see here!!  You don't need to read this book even if I give it 5.25 stars. You don't need to identify with it (although tell me if you do!! It's possible we're kindred spirits and didn't even know it!) and certainly don't tell me if you didn't like it. I shall blink lazily another direction, like a cat, pretending to not care and you might feel snubbed without knowing why.

My book. MINE!

Tahereh Mafi is a girl. She was born in a small city somewhere in Connecticut and currently resides in Orange County, California, where the weather is just a little too perfect for her taste. When unable to find a book, she can be found reading candy wrappers, coupons, and old receipts. Tahereh began Juliette’s story with Shatter Me and Unravel Me, and continued it inDestroy Me, an ebook novella. You can visit Tahereh online at or on Twitter @TaherehMafi.