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It Was Serendipitous
Serendipitious (adjective) occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way
by Alexis Moutinho
It Was Serendipitous
Serendipitious (adjective) occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way
by Alexis Moutinho

Published October 1, 2014
When Melissa Jones discovers that her perfect boyfriend is not so perfect, she is tempted to spend more time with the new boy in town, but she resists the temptation for as long as she can. Melissa has been with her charming boyfriend, Thomas, for two years. To seventeen year old Melissa, her boyfriend is perfect. However, so is her little brother’s new babysitter. Melissa’s loyalty is tested as the babysitter tries to charm her. At the same time, Thomas’s trust in her is tested when he becomes jealous of the new boy. Things start to become complicated when Thomas meets the new boy’s sister and even more complicated when Melissa’s mom falls for the new boy’s father. Melissa learns a lot about herself throughout the book as she tries to take control of her chaotic life.
Melissa whipped around and found herself staring into two green eyes. Alex’s tan glowed, even in the dim light. He stared into Melissa’s eyes before giving her a half smile.
“Come sit with me,” he said.Melissa’s heart throbbed, “I have a…”“Boyfriend. I know. I won’t try anything.”
Alexis Moutinho
Contact Alexis to review: alexismoutinho(at)yahoo(dot)com