This colorful guide by INFJoe, the cartoon persona of artist and introvert Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, addresses these "truths" in a way that is easy and fun to read.
If you have ever wondered if "introverted" fits part of the description of YOU... or if you suspect some of your friends may have this (totally awesome) characteristic, this book is a quick, easy read that is memorable long after you've finished it.
Text, Don't Call:
An Illustrated Guide to the Introverted Life
by INFJoe
Published by TarcherPerigee Paperback
August 15, 2017
Introversion is "in." But there are still many misconceptions about introverts in the world. They're shy. Anti-social. They don't want to have close relationships. They're all cat people. They don't like big parties (okay, that last one might be true).
INFJoe, the cartoon persona of artist and introvert Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, is here to set the record straight. Filled with charming comic book style illustrations, this book provides invaluable insights into the introverted life with plenty of humor and wit. Full of moments that will make introverts say, "That's so me!" as well as helpful tips on surviving at parties and in the workplace, Text, Don't Call is the perfect gift for your quiet friends, or the extroverted ones who could use some help to better understand the introverts in their lives.
INFJoe is the nom de cartoon of artist Aaron Caycedo-Kimura. Aaron drummed his way to The Julliard School in New York City via the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. He created INFJoe during a creative rut in 2012 and discovered the incredibly receptive introvert community. He and his wife Luisa live in Connecticut, where they plan to birth as much art as possible.
Introversion is "in." But there are still many misconceptions about introverts in the world. They're shy. Anti-social. They don't want to have close relationships. They're all cat people. They don't like big parties (okay, that last one might be true).
INFJoe, the cartoon persona of artist and introvert Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, is here to set the record straight. Filled with charming comic book style illustrations, this book provides invaluable insights into the introverted life with plenty of humor and wit. Full of moments that will make introverts say, "That's so me!" as well as helpful tips on surviving at parties and in the workplace, Text, Don't Call is the perfect gift for your quiet friends, or the extroverted ones who could use some help to better understand the introverts in their lives.
This illustrated guide validates and encourages those who feel out of place in a high-energy world. This book educates their extroverted counterparts about what it truly means to be an introvert and eliminates the negative connotations attached to it.
- Communication differences between introverts and extroverts
- How to survive parties and holidays
- Learning your stimulation comfort levels to avoid burnout
- Ways to recharge when you're feeling peopled out.
Navigating our extroverted world as an introvert can be difficult, discouraging, and confusing. Aaron Caycedo-Kimura highlights the ways in which introversion should be celebrated with humor and wit. This guide is for any introvert who treasures peace and quiet and for extroverts looking to understand more about their quiet friends.
You may have picked up some of my enthusiasm as I attempted to share the promotional materials that came with this book I received in exchange for an honest review. Yeah, I love it.
For one, it did not take long to read. In a world where our TBR piles are mile-high, a quick illustrated guide like this simply hits the spot. There's plenty to think about as the words and illustrations cover the various aspects the author wants to portray, but it's so readable.
Next - I get it. I snorted multiple times outloud, sometimes laughing outright. "Yep, that's me!" I saw myself, sure... but I also saw how and why my daughter is locking herself away in her room after school, regrouping after being around so many people all day. After I made that connection, it dawned on me that 100% of my family has some level of introversion. This picture, above, on the back cover is a picture of my house at the end of the day. We're all doing things, our own things, next to each other and that's plenty "together" enough for the lot of us. Hilarious.
Finally, I found ways I need to adjust. Even though I am an INTJ myself and value introversion in general, I had still fallen for the attitude of pushing for more interaction in my family. The way this Guide presents the idea of PROTECTING introverts from over-stimulation really makes sense. In fact, it finally feels like "caring" to make sure my loved ones get their time to recharge. I had not realized I was feeling guilty for not pushing them for more family time at night, when what they, just like me, really need is some quiet time NEAR each other. Who knew??
Pretty monumental for such a quick read. I highly recommend this for all introverts AND extroverts. Don't just accept yourself... extend this care and acceptance to those around you. Learn to spot other introverts and enjoy them, just the way they are!

1. You dabbled in music, painting, poetry, and now you're an author and illustrator. What was your inspiration for writing and illustrating Text, Don't Call?
Text, Don't Call began back in January 2013 when I created my online persona, INFJoe, and began posting cartoons on the Internet. Growing up as an introvert and, in particular, an INFJ (my Myers-Briggs type) was incredibly difficult for me. With these cartoons, I wanted to encourage others like me who were feeling odd or out of place. Since the online series was so well received, I decided to put a printed collection together to reach a wider audience. I want as many introverts as possible to know that they are not alone and that introversion is not a defect, but rather a matter of natural wiring.
2. Where do you get the ideas for your illustrations?
The ideas come from my life, the experiences of other introverts, and sometimes just crazy stuff I dream up. Some of my family members and friends appear in my book, either as caricatures or as the inspirations behind some of the illustrations. And of course, my wife and I are sprinkled in there as well.
3. Introverts tend to be very private people. How has it been sharing yourself through your online cartoons?
It's not an easy thing just to put your artwork out there for all to see and judge. But someone once told me that an artist isn't an artist unless he or she takes the risk and joins in the conversation. however, I've been extremely fortunate that my work has been well received. I thank and appreciate all the online readers of INFJoe Cartoons. Also, not only is it artwork, but much of it is the ups and downs of my life and the blessings and curses of my personality. It may seem uncharacteristic for an introvert to "extrovert" themselves on social media, but I share these things in order to connect and encourage others. INFJs (my Myers-Briggs type) are very relational. I really enjoy interacting with my online readers.
4. Have you learned anything about yourself while writing this book?
I learned that I could draw a pretty convincing fish.
5. Do you have any words of advice for fellow introverts who may feel misunderstood by family and friends?
Introvert on! Be your introverted selves. Know that you're not alone, that your'e in good company. It's good to educate those around you about introversion, but realize that some may just not get it. Bottom line, what's most important is that we understand, accept, and appreciate ourselves.
6. What do you want readers to take away from Text, Don't Call?
For readers who are extroverts, I hope this book will help give them insight into the introverts in their lives. For fellow introverts, I hoe this book will make them laugh, validate and encourage them.