On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Launch - Note from the Author
It's All About the Romance - Excerpt
Book Lover in Florida - Excerpt
Declarations of a Fangirl - Excerpt
E-Romance News - Excerpt
underneath the covers - Excerpt
Nicole's Book Musings - Excerpt
Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader - Review
Becky on Books - Excerpt
Rockin' Book Reviews - Review
Hearts & Scribbles - Excerpt
Thoughts of a Blonde - Review
Colorimetry - Excerpt
One Night with the Army Doc
By Traci Douglass
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Hi All!
I’m so excited to share my debut Medical Romance with you, One Night With The Army Doc.
This story developed out of my love for TV medical dramas like ER and House, M.D. and also to show my appreciation for all the brave, courageous medical professionals serving in our armed forces around the world...
It's All About the Romance - Excerpt
Dr. Jake Ryder replaced the receiver on the dashboard two-way radio, feeling the familiar buzz of adrenaline that always followed a call to arms pumping through his blood.
“Ready for action, Doc?” EMT Zac Taylor asked from the driver’s seat.
“Always.” Since taking over the Emergency Medicine Department at Anchorage Mercy Jake didn’t get to spend much time out in the field, so this was a special treat. “I’ll get things ready in the back.”
Book Lover in Florida - Excerpt
Molly shook her head and snorted.
“Go to Alaska,” her executive producers had said last week. “A high-profile sports case is the best way to raise the ratings.”
Normally she would’ve told them that her soon-to-expire contract clearly stipulated she got final say on all cases portrayed on her reality medical drama, Diagnosis Critical. But, considering she was on thin enough ice with the MedStar cable network, those ratings might be the only thing saving her career. And her career was all she had these days.
Declarations of a Fangirl - Excerpt
Zac parked the ambulance, then leaned around the partition separating the front cabin from the treatment area. “Looks like a real zoo at the crash scene, Doc. At least the cops have the perimeter blocked off.”
“Great. Let’s roll.”
Jake zipped up his pack, then pushed out of the rig with the heavy duffle slung over one shoulder. Sirens wailed and red and blue emergency lights blazed from all directions. One of the police officers gave them a rundown while they weaved their way toward the overturned vehicle.
E-Romance News - Excerpt
Determined, Molly pulled back out onto the road and continued around a slight curve—only to slam on her brakes again. Now she could see why oncoming traffic had been virtually non-existent. Judging by the array of emergency vehicles blocking all four lanes, there had been an accident.
As a licensed physician, it was her duty to assist when needed. Critics of her show always complained that she had the bedside manner of dry toast, but her real skill was as a diagnostician. And when she was working on a case everything else fell by the wayside—friends, family, romantic relationships. She’d sacrificed everything for her patients, and success was her reward.
underneath the covers - Excerpt
Jake walked to the agitated male standing between a police officer and a firefighter. “Evening, sir. I’m Dr. Jake Ryder.” He set his pack on the ground near his feet. “I hear you had a run-in with a moose tonight?”
The guy, who looked about forty, and pale as death, nodded. “We’re here on vacation and were out sightseeing. Next thing I knew this huge animal ran out in the road and everything happened so fast and—”
Recognizing the lingering signs of shock, Jake cocked his head toward the fireman and together they helped maneuver the father until his weight rested against a nearby squad car.
Nicole's Book Musings - Excerpt
Her cell phone buzzed and Molly pulled it from her pocket, hoping for an update from her crew. Instead, all she found was the same dumb message that had been on her screen since before takeoff from O’Hare. The stupid text from her ex glowed brightly, its cheerful white back- ground at direct odds with the dismal words.
I can’t do this anymore.
Not sure you’ll even notice I’m gone.
She resisted the urge to mic-drop the useless device into a nearby mud puddle and instead returned it to her pocket.
Inside The Mind of an Avid Reader - Review
"One Night With The Army Doc by Traci Douglass is inciteful and wonderful. I loved everything about Molly and Jake. They were perfect. They pulled each other out of there comfort zone's..."
Becky on Books - Excerpt
He reached into his bag for the stuffed animal, then knelt beside the mangled car, clicked on his flashlight, and peered inside. Two huge dark eyes stared at him from the shadows. It was the child, still protected in his booster seat.
“Hey, buddy. My name’s Jake. What’s yours?”
The boy’s bottom lip quivered and tears welled anew.
Jake hung his head. Here he was—a former special operations combat medic, trained to think on his feet with a hundred snipers poised to take him out at any second—yet all he wanted was to make this scared little boy smile again.
Rockin' Book Reviews - Review
"I enjoyed this story. I like the way Jake was able to understand Molly. They have a great relationship.
The characters are well-developed and easily visualized. I could feel their emotions well. the setting is also developed well and I would love to see Alaska...
I recommend this book to other readers."
Hearts & Scribbles - Excerpt
A man stalked over, his gray eyes sparkling with fury, his impressive build only adding to his imposing presence. “The cops are supposed to keep any rubberneckers away.”
Molly looked around to see who he was scolding and realized, too late, that it was her.
“Get out.” He stood at least a foot taller than her. And from the top of his dark brown hair to the tips of his black work boots the guy looked every inch the alpha protector. “Before you get hurt.”
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
Thoughts of a Blonde - Review
"With her first jaunt into the Harlequin Medical Romance line, Traci Douglass brings us a riveting read. It’s fast paced, has an air of intrigue to it and is full of family drama and simmering attraction! I really enjoyed the connection between Molly and Jacob as they raced against time to try to save his friend. He didn’t want to like her, but she was more than he was expecting. Very entertaining!"
Colorimetry - Excerpt
Reluctantly, Molly’s curiosity about the daring rescuer blossomed. She watched him cuddle the child, coaxing a smile from the little guy, and a fresh pang of loneliness stabbed her— along with a lingering worry about ever finding someone who’d look at her that way.
Considering her relationship with Brian was DOA, Molly had grave doubts. For a woman brilliant in her profession, when it came to her personal life she was one big mess. Not that flirting at an emergency scene was appropriate, but she wasn’t good at it anyway. She’d always been a wallflower—one more check in her Don’t-Date-Much column.
Don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

By Traci Douglass
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 Pages
August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Medical RomanceIs one night enough…
To convince her to stay?
Traveling to Alaska to film the latest episode of her TV show is just what brilliant diagnostician Dr. Molly Flynn needs. It’s the perfect escape from her family’s expectations. Until she clashes with privacy-loving former army doc Jacob Ryder over her patient’s care! Only, as friction turns into flirtation, can Molly trust that Jake sees the real her and loves her—just the way she is?
About the Author

Thrilling Tales of Suspense, Fantasy, and Happily Ever Afters…
USA Today Bestselling Author Traci Douglass writes fiction bursting with romance and action, usually mixed with a healthy portion of fantasy, urban edge and/or snark. Her stories feature sizzling heroes with quick wits and dark pasts and smart, independent heroines who always give as good as they get.
She’s an active member of Romance Writers of America (RWA), Indiana Romance Writers of America (IRWA), and the International Thriller Writers (ITW), and holds a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.
Tour Giveaway

3 signed paperback copies of One Night with The Army Doc
US only
Ends August 15th
a Rafflecopter giveaway