Book Tour Grand Finale for
NY Doc Under the Northern Lights
By Amy Ruttan
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch - Note from the Author
I knew for my twentieth novel I had to write something fun and special. And what is more fun than a fish out of water story? One of my favourite romantic comedies is The Proposal, which is a definite fish out of water. City girl in Alaska. And I also am obsessed with the north and that’s how NY Doc Under the Northern Lights came about...
Thoughts of a Blonde - Excerpt
Dr. Sturlusson didn’t seem the type to leave her high and dry, but perhaps something unavoidable had happened and he hadn’t been able to contact her.
She should’ve told him not to bother picking her up and she should’ve gone with the car-rental plan in the first place.
Betty glanced up at the signs overhead, trying to figure out where to go to rent a car when she saw something move out of the corner of her eye.
She looked over her shoulder and her mouth hung open a little as an over-six-foot Viking of a man came marching toward her. Quickly.
Andi's Book Reviews - Review
"...a fun twist on an old storyline that has all kinds of unique elements to keep the pages turning. I needed something easy and uplifting the weekend that I read it. And how can you beat spending time together under the famed Northern Lights?"
My Life Loves and Passion - Excerpt
“Dr. Jacinth?” he asked, almost in disbelief, his voice deep and rumbling.
“Yes. And who might you be?”
“Dr. Sturlusson,” he snapped back in annoyance. “I thought that would be obvious.”
“No, it’s not obvious. I’ve seen Dr. Sturlusson and he’s at least seventy. Are you telling me you’re seventy?”
He rolled his eyes. “You mean my father. I am Dr. Axel Sturlusson, his son.”
Declarations of a Fangirl - Guest Post
Northern Lights—FUN FACTS!!
So, I’m obsessed with the Northern Lights. The first time I saw them I was about 13 years old and even though I knew that the northern lights existed, I still didn’t know what I was looking at when I saw them...
Hearts & Scribbles - Excerpt
“Fine,” she said. “Lead the way.”
He looked down at her shoes. “You do know this is Iceland in winter?”
“I’m aware.”
“You’re wearing ridiculous heels.”
She glanced down at her boots. “They’re boots.”
“It’s icy outside,” he stated gruffly.
“Oh, I’m surprised to hear that a place called Iceland is icy,” she snapped back. She was too tired to be bandying words about with a gigantic behemoth of a Viking in the middle of the airport.
Books to Light Your Fire - Guest Post
An Interview with Dr. Axel Sturlusson
I’ve decided to poke and prod the hero of NY Doc Under the Northern Lights with an interview of sorts and he’s agreed, as long as I make it quick and he can get back to work.
*Axel walks in, arms crossed over his deep blue sweater, looking slightly annoyed*...
Jorie Loves A Story - Review
"The beauty of the novel is how it is a lesson in self-care, in the time we all need to heal and in the joyfulness of the unexpected. Ruttan pulls you into the lives of two surgeouns who are each on the footsteps of re-finding themselves after their lives fractured. . . . As you move forward with them, your treated to a beautiful back-story of a family in crisis, a teenager who has a sharp wit and wisdom ahead of her years and the allure of Iceland itself. You won't want to exit this story until you find out what romanced a New York City doctor to become enchanted underneath the Northern Lights!"
E-Romance News - Guest Post
An Interview with Dr. Betty Jacinth.
Betty comes into the room. She’s bubbly and happy. She’s also visibly pregnant.
Thanks for letting me interview you today! I have to say Axel wasn’t amiable as you are...
Harlie's Books - Review
"The romance in the book is a slow burn and very subtle. Both Axel and Betty have battle scars that needed to heal before they could truly be together. . . . You just have to read the book to find out what I’m talking about."
Locks, Hooks and Books - Excerpt
Axel held out his arm, gesturing in the direction to the terminal doors, and she followed him, pulling her suitcase behind her. She was very aware of the sound of her heels against the airport floor, but she wasn’t going to back down to Axel Sturlusson. She hadn’t got where she was as a surgeon by backing down. She’d learned how to stand her ground.
Except when it came to Thomas. She’d let Thomas walk all over her and she hated herself for that.
Colorimetry - Excerpt
And her heart skipped a beat. It was as if those eyes had pierced her very soul. It was unsettling how much the intensity of his gaze affected her.
“I told you those were ridiculous boots. I knew that you were going to slip,” he grumbled as he set her upright.
“I didn’t see the ice,” she said, but she still clung to him.
“Well, you’re going to kill yourself walking around in those.”
Candrel's Crafts, Cooks, and Characters - Author Interview
What was the inspiration behind this book?
I really wanted to set a book in a different location and I’ve always wanted to go to Iceland. It also gave me an excuse to add my favourite thing to the story, which is the northern lights. I love the northern lights and have been privileged to see them countless times, including one special one where they were right above me and I was standing under them. I also love writing and reading fish out of water stories. It was fun to plop Betty down in the middle of Reykjavik and have to deal with my brooding, alpha hero.
Book Lover in Florida - Guest Post
Playlists. I listen to music and I am very thankful for my Apple Music subscription. Every book I listen to a set playlist and I thought I would share some of my favourite songs that were on repeat when I was writing my 20th book NY DOC UNDER THE NORTHERN LIGHTS.
Jorie Loves A Story - Author Interview
1) What initially attracted you to write Medical Romances and what did you hope to focus on as you worked on new stories for the Harlequin imprint as it looks like you've had a lovely career writing for them?
I always wanted to write for Harlequin. I loved category romances and when I was actively pursuing writing for them I noticed that Harlequin Medicals was holding a Fast Track. A way to get your partial in front of an editor instead of waiting in the slush pile. I thought, why not? I love Grey’s Anatomy. I am a super fan of that show. So I thought, I can try my hand at it. I mean, you don’t know unless you try right? I wasn’t expecting much. I set my story in Nunavut (which is a territory in Canada up in the arctic) and I had a request for a revised partial. That turned into a request for a full. I had a few rounds of revisions and then I finally got an email asking for my phone number and when was it a good time to call? The rest was history. I love writing about surgeons. I love their intensity and drive.
Wishful Endings - Excerpt
“Treat you like what? I got you to the vehicle safely. This way you won’t be laid up with a broken ankle during your first month of work in Reykjavik. My father would not be happy if I let harm come to you.” He motioned for her to slide her legs into the foot well so he could shut the door.
Fuming, Betty begrudgingly did as he asked, her eyes tracking him as he climbed into the driver’s side and buckled in. He glanced at her.
Becky on Books - Review
"A sweet romance–this was actually my first medical romance, and it served as a nice intro to the genre! . . . an entertaining read."
Nicole's Book Musings - Guest Post
The Christmas Book Flood
The Icelandic Christmas tradition of Jolabokaflod is known as the Christmas Book Flood. This is one of the reasons I want to go to Iceland, because they love books as much as I do. I think the idea of exchanging books and spending the rest of the night curled up with that book and a cup of chocolate appeals to the introvert in me.
Inside The Mind of An Avid Reader - Review
"NY Doc Under The Northern Lights by Amy Ruttan is fabulous. I loved this sweet romance. Love at first sight between two people..."
Reading On The Edge - Excerpt
She clambered out of bed, jammed her glasses on her face, threw a sweater over her tank top, pulled on her heavy woolen socks and made her way downstairs, bumping into a wall as her eyes adjusted to the daylight.
She cursed under her breath and then peeked through the peephole and groaned when she saw a familiar six-foot Viking standing on her porch, looking just as good and put together as he had yesterday.
What does he want?
Teatime and Books - Review
"A truly amazing tale, the plot is thick with intrigue and passion and the characters are deeply developed. I'd highly recommend to anyone looking for a sweet, romantic story to warm your hearts this coming winter season!"
Don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 Pages
October 1st 2018 by Harlequin Medical
Escaping the big city…
For love under Icelandic skies
When surgeon Betty Jacinth’s heart is broken once again, she takes a job in Iceland for a change of scenery. She expects cold weather—but not the frosty welcome she receives from gorgeous but brooding Dr. Axel Sturlusson! Now father to his orphaned niece, Axel gradually thaws, and a flame ignites—but when Betty’s ex begs her to return, can she make the right choice for love?
About the Author

Born and raised just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Amy fled the big city to settle down with the country boy of her dreams. After the birth of her second child, Amy was lucky enough to realize her life long dream of becoming a romance author. When she's not furiously typing away at her computer, she's a mom to three wonderful children who use her as a personal taxi and chef.
Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a swag bag from Romancing the Capital 2018. It’s full of awesome swag from the event plus 3 of Amy's books: NY Doc Under the Northern Lights, A Date with Dr Moustakas, and The Surgeon King’s Secret Baby
Open to US only
Ends October 24th