No lo puedo creer!!!!
Yego el fin, y aqui ando bailando!!!
(Enough pathetic attempts at writing in Spanish w/o cool accentuations!!)

The thing about me and lists..... is I tackle 'em. (I use 'em to trick myself into cleaning house and nasty stuff like that.)
My brain is fuzzy from the effort, but you'll see I'm sportin' a new BANNER!! Seriously... I could strangle Photobucket. It shut down my computer and then lost my cute tediously added designs. I gave up two or three times, but got back on it 'til I WON!!!
What do you think? Should I go back to NO banner? (If you say "yes" too quickly, you'll get my growly side. If you don't like it, wait to tell me 'til tomorrow). I made the new little button with the gazebo, too. The books... well, the books were super cute, but Photobucket completely lost my embellishments. I might find 'em later. Heck... I'll take a picture of my own stack of books with my own cup of tea... if I dare stack it on top of books!!!! Yikes!
The drawing of the girl was created by Donna Smallenburg, who's art I LOVE!!!! Some day I hope to interview her and post her thoughts on how she comes up with her ideas to draw. You gotta see Arise, Shine. *sigh*
In fact, I periodically browsed Pinterest and I think that saved my sanity. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little, now... it was easier to design a banner than close a mortgage, to compare!! Lol. But I'll browse Pinterest with very little provocation, so, there is that. (I started a new Board "Pass it on!" so I can repin giveaways and great posts from other book bloggers... make sure to follow if you don't already!!)
So, what else did I get done?!
1 - I hope I fixed my Feedburner by transferring the Candlewax post to the Hollow Reader's site. It's possible that my readership just dropped drastically after that great author interview, but that doesn't make much sense. More likely I transferred html code that I didn't know what it was and redirected my stuff somewhere else or some such.
If I'm dreaming, let me know. I had my tech-bro look over my posts recently and I was cutting & pasting too much and messin' with blogger's feedburner opinion of my posts. It has rippling consequences - messin' with that stuff. Sheesh!
2 - Design - oh yea!!
3 - I wrote up a Review Skeleton - with all my pieces that I like to include in my reviews plus some stuff I forget sometimes. I even added a reminder not to get so crazy I chase readers away!! (Just in case anyone's reading!!)
4 - I removed the Google add from the Kick-Butt post 'cause I can only have 3 Google ads per page. I guess they're at the bottom of my posts, now. I did not do that!!! (They have a mind of their own!! (?!))
5 - I'm still figuring out how to host authors and books and giveaways without reviewing them all. I have a very good reason for trying to free up a little time!!! Not this week, though.
6 - My "Have a cup of tea" idea sounds so fun. Um... to me, at least!!! I'll refine it a little more and post my first (or second?!) this week!!
7 - I did more stuff... like threw the old couches out on the lawn to be hauled off on the yearly "haul anything" day this week. They were so busted!! Now I'm sitting on cushions on the floor, but it's more comfy, believe me!!
That's it!! I'm done for tonight!!
Hasta la vista!!
Duerme con los angeles!!