Hosted by Tiffany over at Book Cover Justice...
Tiffany's dealing with Spring Break, which is a GREAT time to jamb some awesome book reading!! (That phrase works, right? "jamb book reading"?) It just so happens that my kids' school district is going on Strike!! Yea... not good news, except from the kids' perspective, it's like instant extra Break!! I'm going to enjoy a few days of No School before I start panicking and homeschooling (yea, right!)
I do hope the "issues" are "settled" and everyone can come to an "agreement" but honestly, I think it's all a bunch of smoke. From my hick-sticks point of view, this is all a bunch of "don't ya wish everyone managed money better?" Or "could we grow some money on trees?!" I say, let's just throw a vampire in their negotiations and see how that livens 'em up!!!
(I'm just blathering. Don't take me seriously. I won't run for any positions on the school board... like my grandma who ravaged.... nevermind. I won't.)
I've been dabbling my way through The Iron King all week, which has been HIGHLY strange, I tell you what!! Books read all in one sitting have a different flavor from books read in bits all week, and so far all I know for sure is I do NOT want to fall into Nevernever. Ever. So, my first goal is to finish this book and hopefully see Ash!! I've heard so much about him and where did Puck go, anyway?!
I just found out yesterday that some authors are COMING TO MY BARNES & NOBLE on May 4th. MINE!!!! I about hyperventilated in the store picking up my World Book Night box. And then I lost my keys, which I spend most of today looking for, during which I misplaced my license while re-organizing my purse.
It doesn't make sense, but I blame it on the audacity of these authors coming my way. I want to read all three of these books NOW!!!! So, they're suddenly up next:
And then I've got Interrupted and Shadow on the Wall comin' up for review.
Sounds like a PERFECT time for a Read-a-thon, doesn't it? Although I've heard there is a spot of sunshine in the forecast, which will pause life, the universe & everything for a BBQ. Such rare occurrences as spots of blue sky in spring cannot be taken for granted!!