To join in on Day #1 Interview, hop over to the Armchair BEA site (or click on the pic) and answer 5 questions! Let me know so I can say "hi" back!! :-D
So, I interviewed myself in celebration of meet-n-greetin' other Armchair BEA participants. This is a little weird, but, uh... please welcome Burgandy Ice (otherwise known as Laura) to Colorimetry!! Lol.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

I got into blogging so I could write my book better. Yeppers. And you know what? I feel like I fit right into the blogging community (I love bloggers!!), so that I keep wondering if I'm CRAZY to want to write at all. Isn't reviewing better?! And yet... I am daring to try. Loca, I know.
I started last November when my personal life got too stressful to sleep at night. I discovered that reading-reviewing-blogging distracted me well and now I've pretty much ditched stress altogether and blissfully fall asleep every night before I even get much reading in. Despite some wild stuff... like swearing into the witness stand last week to testify my innocence of fraud before a judge. (We won the case!! Actually, we "won" just by showing up and fighting, but it doesn't hurt to be justified publicly, either. YEA!!)
If you could eat dinner with any author, who would it be and why?
I'm totally intimidated by most of my favorite authors. IT'S TRUE!!! I've had them on pedestals for so many years. If I saw them, I'd just stare and mumble and shove as many things as I could in their direction to have signed.

Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.
My life is CRAZY. What a surprise, hey? I'm interviewing myself at my husband's shop, where I like to hang out and do bookkeeping. Lol. Ok... "like" refers to hangin' with my honey of 14 years, "tolerate" would better describe bookkeeping. I've been the Secretary/Treasurer of our many business adventures for years, which includes Marketing and BBQ Coordinator. He restores cars, so I've slowly become more cooler and less dweeby under his influence. Having 4 strong-willed, hyperactive kids has helped. (Helped me be cooler and crazier. And maybe dweebier, too.)

My "before" life was no less exciting since my parents were missionaries and I picked up my handwriting from England, my snow/ice shuffle from Moscow, & my awesome cool-down technique from Sonora. (Not to mention my
So, check this out... all over the desert of Sonora there's these Pilas - 10x12-ish pools of well water that irrigate the vineyards, etc. I'd be out there in the smokin' hot desert with a van-full of youth group kids that were all overheating in 100 degrees, right? And I'd pull over to one of these Pilas and lead them all in an impromptu swim in our clothes!! It was totally awesome. We'd be dried out by the time we made it back to the school or church or hotel or wherever 'cause it was so darn hot ("but it's a dry heat!" Jajajaja)
Those pilas are the BEST. The whole world should have impromptu watering holes like that. The one in the town where we lived (and handwashed our laundry in) was heated by some underground source. Imagine soaking in a fresh-flowing hot tub staring up at a bazillion stars far from any city lights in a wide open desert. Yep. Been there. It's moments like that when you forget you're in the scorpion capitol of the world for a moment.
![[ reading books ] @kristina brown](
I think my favorite part is the sense of Community. The book blogs are such a great place to share our love of books. I'm not sure how to describe what I'd like to see... the Memes kind of interconnect us, so we bump into each other more often over different discussions. I think I'd like to see more of of the gettin' together stuff or more of a variety of ways... maybe some themed hops? If I knew, I'd do it!! But I love questions and visiting and chatting... and the giveaways. Hey... book bloggers are a force to be reckoned with in the world of Books, you know? We should claim our power and use it to celebrate great books!!!
Have your reading tastes changed since you started blogging? How?
A little, yea. I used to be more secretive of my love for YA Fantasy books. Blogging has helped me exhilarate in 'em. I used to try to read all kinds of books, and maybe I will again. But right now, time flies by too fast to read stuff I'm not really interested in. :-D
The INTERVIEWS start tomorrow. I have three of 'em lined up on Colorimetry... plus a Book Blast Giveaway, a Debut Author Giveaway and a Feature & Follow Hop Giveaway (and we'll see what else I can find to give away!!) Don't forget about the LIVE video streaming at BEA in New York starting tomorrow!! And check out all the publisher giveaways offered thru Armchair BEA. This is a GREAT week!!