I thought I'd write me up a list of what I'm doing to get ready. This is, after all, a BIG DEAL!!!
1 - I'm wishing everyone the BEST - go get lots of great books. Get LOTS!!! Maybe too many to read, hey? So you gotta share some with us!! Lol. But really, I hope everyone has a great time and I can't wait to follow alone.
2 - I'm scoping out what I have that I can share in giveaways and fun posts. Colorimetry is gonna be a happenin' place this week... I'm gonna be as generous as my supply will let me. WOOP!! Some fun interviews, some excerpts maybe... some fun book celebratin' for sure!!
3 - I'm participating in Armchair BEA and I'm taking it very seriously. In the spirit of detailing out preparations, I will share the following:
A - I'm turning my Armchair to the huge picture window and I'm angling it so that I can't see any weeds that need to be pulled. (They'll still be there after I partay this week!)
B - I've stocked my kitchen with delicious drinks. There's tons of tea and expensive coffee plus I got some extra of that Raspberry Ice Crystal Light. Have you tried that? Yum!!
C - Snacks-snacks-snacks!! Yum!! I'm ready, 'cause I've got lots of everything, from apples to... apples. Ok, so maybe my kitchen is rather full of healthy snacks. I know I hid some chocolate somewhere, but I'll have to remember where. I have this "thing" for PB&J on hamburger buns. It's faster than fixing a turkey sandwich, you know? And I'm planning on being busy!!

E - I'm startin' with the Meet -n- Greet Interview tomorrow morning! WOOOOOP!! I'll hop around and "meet" lots of bloggers and check out all the cool giveaways. I plan on winning lots of stuff this week. Have you seen all the publishers giving stuff away? Oh yea!!
So, there you have it!! I'm ready to have some fun this week!!! Will you be there? Here, I mean? Participating in Armchair BEA? Or bringing me back goodies from New York? :-D If so... THANKS!! It's gonna be FUN!!