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Party food for a book discussion!!
(My paraphrase - hop over to enter and see the real-deal rules)
I would love to invite everyone over to discuss this fun book in real Nevernever Seelie court style (or is it Unseelie? I'm still a little confused!!)
I need shrubbery, trees, twinkle lights, dangling decorations draped from the ceiling & lots of sheer drapery everywhere. We'll have a waterfall in the corner and dry ice for crawling smoke across the floor.
I need exotic music that makes us wanna dance playing in the background and some sort of light show playing off the walls to create the feeling of being in the presence of dancing fae.
Naturally we need and flowers for everyone's hair!! We'll kick off our shoes at the door, too!! And everyone can bring different flavors of mini-cupcakes to trade so we'll leave with colorful varieties of too many sweetnesses!!
Oh, gosh... let's do it!!!!