What are you Grateful for?

Thx, Kathy @ I Am a Reader, Not a Writer!
What am I grateful for?
1st - My family. My husband and our kids. For so many reasons. Tonight - for making me laugh, for telling me not to be so serious.
2nd - Living Life. I want to lump all the joys and sorrows together in one, big mountain of... delicious things to write about.
Do you write in a diary of some kind? Or journal?
I write in a few Journals. "Diary" assumes daily notes, and I'm not that consistent or organized about anything. Journals, however, highlight major things. Here's some ideas:
I don't have a set number of times per year I need to write in my Journal, but it works out to about 6-10. I hand-write, of course, 'cause it's so different than typing. I'm not planning on sharing my Journal with anyone but me. (Although... I can picture a far-off descendant discovering it in some attic and enjoying the shock of wild confessions. Lol.) Most importantly I don't try to be anything, I just dump out my feelings so I can sort through them to be a better version of myself in real life. It's better if my raw emotions spew out somewhere safe so I don't barf 'em all over my loved ones, anyway. (Some entries might express the PMS side of me. *shrug* Maybe. So what?)
That's one of my Journals. I hide it around the house in a new place every time. Kind of like the chocolate in the kitchen. (Not from my family. They have plenty of ME to deal with. I have weird panic attacks about strangers discovering it. That's another subject for another day. *cough*)
I also keep a journal for each of our kids. I wrote "Pursue-Know-Enjoy" in the front of each one and I write them as a letter to their older selves about random adventures. I am absolutely thrilled with the idea. Lol. I collect interesting things in there. Secret things like lost teeth left by the Tooth Fairy or special things like a lock of hair. Recently I added Bear's football helmet tape in his book, all dirty from his first season.
I have two Writer's Journals. One is full of random scenes or new ideas, thoughts I captured while out-n-about. The other is a large sketch book with all my work-in-progress notes.
I love blank sketch books because you don't have to keep to lines. I don't like any sort of boundary. :-D
There's one more... a sort of Day-by-Day to-do list book. I use it instead of a Planner, which has (you can guess by now) too many boundaries. I make little check-boxes to tick off as I tackle projects and odd things I would forget to do otherwise.
As in all my books, I add little pictures, sketches, flowers, feathers, etc, etc, etc as the mood strikes.
I've heard of readers who keep a Journal of their review notes. Isn't that a great idea? I wish I'd made notes of all the books I haven't reviewed, yet. Lol.
Is there another sort of Journal or Diary you keep? Do share! I can never have enough blank journals, myself, just waiting to be written in. I love 'em!!
For this Giveaway, I am making - or sending the ingredients to design-it-yourself - an empty Journal. You get to decide what it looks like and what it will be for.
Here is a Journal I recently made my sister for her birthday. It's a sketch book because she's an artist. I would not torture her with lines to fill. Lines don't delight her like they do me. (Weird!)
This is NOT the Journal you are entering to win!!
I had to say that for people hopping through skipping all my great meandering thoughts about Journals. Lol. (Why would anyone skip my meandering thoughts?!) I made this with scrap material, glue, hot glue and embellishments. The inside cover is a page out of the Bible. For this giveaway... you can
1 - choose to let me randomly design you something
2 - let me know your fav colors and purpose for a slightly less random result
3 - opt to receive all the pieces and assemble it yourself.
Don't you dare throw it in a box for later, though!! This is your time to express some of your awesomeness!!! We are all on a journey, right? There's no right or wrong sort of journal.
This is an International Giveaway. See my general rules under the About tab. All my other current giveaways are in the left-hand sidebar. Enjoy this awesome hop!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Do you keep a Journal? What kind of Journal is it? How often do you write in it?