There's some confusion as to what's goin' down this weekend with the New Arrival Mailbox theme. I saw that Kimba @ the Caffeineted Book Reviewer's is startin' up a Sunday Post. Leeswamme's Blog just posts her New Arrivals every week, as if linkin' up to other bloggers isn't necessary. *gasp* Tynga's Reviews has started Stacking the Shelves. Dazzling Reads has her Dazzling Book Haul!!! Books, Biscuits & Tea has Showcase Sunday. Xpresso Reads has Xpresso Weekly - fun! Who else is doing something new?!
I'm not boycotting anyone, I'm just changin' up my Sunday. I'm happy to visit everyone, regardless of where or with who you link up with. 'Cause I'm not makin' anyone jump thru hoops for my spontaneous support. To catch all the hullaballoo and my response, see my Plagiarism post HERE.

Thing is, Mailbox Monday hops around being hosted somewhere new every month. Which I think is kinda cool!!
So... new to me this week?
Hey, I won a book!!! WOOHOO!!!
From Arianne Cruz... Thank You!!!
From the Library:
All week I was participating in Tiffany's readathon at Book Cover Justice:
I did not read all that I planned on... but it was a WEIRD WEEK. The kids' school went on Strike on Wednesday. As soon as the teachers were wearing their "We Love our Students" shirts waving signs, negotiations were settled and school started again on Thursday. (Can I get a "huh?"!)
But by then, some funky bug was going thru our house and kid after kid got this 102 F temperature with a horrible cough that kept 'em out of school for 3+ days. Trinity got it first. She shared with Cam-Shaft. I got a call from school to come get Bear. And Dash managed to get away with a slight cold? But he had No School Friday, so he helped me watch all the sickies. We passed out liquids and medicines and took temperatures and watched a heck of a lot of Sponge Bob.
So... I felt quite victorious finishing The Iron King, which I reviewed Friday. I'm just now finishing Interrupted and attempting to read In Great Waters to review by tomorrow. At night on my Nook I started a little bit of Immortal Rules. :-)
I might as well add that NEXT UP is The Iron Daughter, Pandemonium, Echoes of Betrayal, The Clockwork Angel... not to mention finishing Changeless. Or not... I'm on the verge of WRITING again.

I have lots of posts planned, but we'll see!!
'Cause my throat hurts like crazy this morning!! (No!!!!!!!)
In case you missed it...
Tuesday I participated in a Book Blast of Pretty Crooked with one of those long giveaway thingame's with lots of clicking for a $50 GC.
So, Thursday I posted about CLICKING!! :-D
Wednesday started the Fairtale Giveaway hop. Since I didn't have a review from an author, I made one up from funny correspondence w/ Anna Banks, author of... Of Poseidon. You can still enter to win a copy of her book!!
Feature & Follow Friday was about "breaking up" with a book, which was a fun discussion. Ha! I really enjoy Parajunkee's View & Alison Can Read.
Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ At Home with Books and I posted a couple pix my Cool, Man took at the shop 'cause I LOOOOVE the look of wet automotive paint. If I get to writing this week, my book really dives into COLOR, 'cause I'm fascinated by it.

Phew!! That's a LOTTA links!! :-D I dare ya to click 'em all!!! Lol
Have an awesome Sunday, All!!!!!