What did I read in June?
I read Half-Blood & Scarlet. I want to cry over all the reading that might have happened that didn't, but that is how June goes for me every year. I get buried in birthday parties and end-of-school events. This year we added Armchair BEA & a Road Trip.... plus moving my husband's shop & planning how to re-arrange the house.

That's what I'm working on, now, moving & cleaning. This past weekend, I moved ALL OF MY BOOKS, well... almost all my books. I'm really happy about this bookshelf line-up under a big picture window... and I claimed a tall shelf almost exclusively for my current fav's and Burgandy Ice fun.

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila @ Book Journey.

You know what's totally WEIRD, though? Have you read any of the Iron Fey books? *ahem*

"I caught glimpses of things moving along the walls, flashes of blue light, like erratic fireflies. A moment later, I realized they were gremlins - hundreds, if not thousands of them - scuttling over the factory like ants. The blue lights were the glow of their fangs, hissing, shrieking and baring teeth at each other. A chill ran through me, and I shivered." Pg. 314 The Iron Daughter*shiver* I've never named any of my doodads before, but it's time to come up with a creepy iron fey gremlin name for my book light!! :-D

So, I know what you're thinking... how could a "Reader" not even finish three books in an entire month?!
I'll ask a question back... where did June go? Tell me that!!! What a weasley month to go scrambling out of my reading reach by cramming itself full of life. I am innocent, I tell ya!!
And, I did critique a smidge and write a chapter or two. (Barely)
There's no excuse. I maintained my Reader Status by carrying lots of books everywhere and being absent-minded so people had to ask me questions twice before I heard them.
I'm just happy that it's July and the month is loaded with reading possibilities. I've already started Degrees of Wrong on my Nook so I can leave the gremlin-thingy alone for awhile, although I have The Iron Queen sittin' here watching me with glowing blue eyes.
Hey... what should I name my light?
You got a good creepy-crawly name idea?